Chapter 20

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I waited but I never got a text or call from Julian. Taylor hadn't contacted me lately either.
Hannah and I were meant to be seeing a movie at the theatre tonight with her. 'Bye mum!' I called as I walked out the door.
It was cloudy and dark, rain hadn't seeped through the clouds yet but you could smell it coming.

As I approached the movies I could see Hannah already waiting, Taylor wasn't with her.
'Hey, Where is Taylor?' Han asked. I shrugged my shoulders. 'Maybe she's running late?!' I suggested.
We waited outside for another few minutes, talking about what we've missed. I was tempted to tell Hannah about yesterday, about Ezra being shot but she would only fire back with more reasons as to why me being with Julian was a bad idea.

She still hadn't warmed up to Taylor completely yet. I didn't want to rock the boat.

Taylor still hadn't shown up by 4:00. Which was thirty minutes late, she only lived maybe ten from here and at least 15 from the warehouse.
'Maybe she isn't coming?' Hannah told. 'She hasn't answered any calls or texts from me, you?' Hannah shook her head.
'Let's just just go inside.' Hannah pleaded. She was right! If Taylor was going to come she'd be here by now.

Just as we were getting the tickets Taylor showed up, black trench coat over her small shoulders.
'Well look who decided to pay a visit?!' Hannah joked. I jabbed her in the side with my elbow.
'Are you okay?' I asked her.
'Yeah sorry, got caught up at home.' She purposely didn't look at Hannah. She wasn't even blinking at me.

'That's okay, you're here now.' Hannah has quickly gone inside. 'Julian told me you were there yesterday.' Taylor started.
'Yeah! Is Ezra okay?'
'Yeah, he'll be fine. Lost some blood but he'll be okay.' Her voice was shaky and deep.
'Did you tell Hannah?' She asked. I shook my head.
'She wouldn't want to hear it.' I say. 'Yeah!' Taylor agreed.

'What about Julian? He's been ignoring my calls.'
'He hasn't been ignoring. He's just busy, stressed.' She insisted. I gave a sheepish smile but I still felt cold about it all.

We walked into the movies, there were actually quite a few teenagers about. 'Ohhh, look at that cutie!' Hannah pointed over to a group of four guys.
She was pointing to the blonde boy, there was a boy with red hair and a perfect jawline but Hannah would never go for him. She hated dating guys with hair the same colour as her.
"People would think we're siblings." She'd say.
I guess she was right.

One of the boys had blue eyes and brown hair, he was actually pretty cute. Oh my god! What am I thinking? I have a boyfriend.
The thought forced me to check my phone.
'Hey, are you okay?' I texted Julian.
It nerved next when he didn't reply right away. God paranoid much?!

'Hey!' Hannah called to the guys, she had enough confidence to actually approach them.
Taylor and I stalked sheepishly behind.
'Uh hey!' The blonde boy smiled to her.
'Why have I seen you before? Oh right! My future.' Hannah winked.

Everyone laughed, 'What's your name?' He asked her. 'Hannah but you can call me whenever!' How did she have enough confidence to pull this off?

I wouldn't be able to even dare to do that.
'Is she okay?' Taylor asked. I shrugged my shoulders. 'I can't tell.'

The boys just happened to sit by us in the theatre though Hannah and the boy James were making out the entire time.
I caught the cute brown haired boy peaking over at me and I couldn't help but blush.
He was cute, and apparently they were our age just at a different school.
The cute boy's name was Dillion. The red haired kid was Hamish and the other blonde boys name was Blake.

They went to school at Middleton, it was a nicer school than ours. Rich kids basically, well the rich ones that didn't go to my school to show off.

I was outside in the lounge waiting for Hannah and Taylor. Tay was in the bathroom and Hannah was still attached at the hip to James.
'Hey.' I looked over, it was Dillion. 'Hey!' I replied.
'So seems like they hit it off.' He jokes about Hannah. 'Well, When Hannah wants something she goes for it.'
'Fair.' He replied.
'I have to be honest, I think you're really cute.' He had such a charming smile, one that could suck you in.

'Thanks, but I have a boyfriend. His name is Julian.' I answer.
'Oh! Classic me going to the one that is taken.' He smirks. 'Well, Julian is a very lucky guy. I'm sorry.'
'No don't be, can't blame you if you didn't know.' He smiles again, no! You have a boyfriend Zoie.

'Thank you.' He answers. 'Maybe we could be friends though? On Facebook? Hang out, as friends.' He asks.
I bite my lip, as long as it is just friends it doesn't mean anything. I still love Julian.
'Yeah! Sounds great.'

We end up hanging out with the boys at the beach, spending the day chilling was actually really nice. It took my mind off everything that happened yesterday, I still hadn't gotten a reply form Julian and it worries me but Taylor was right. Julian was busy.

Taylor even started liking the red haired guy, it was cute but I felt left out. Lucky I had Dillion and Blake to talk to. Blake has a girlfriend of his own and well, Dillion swears it's cool to just be friends.
Before I even noticed it was almost seven. We had been hanging with the boys for a bit.

'Maybe we should head off!' I coaxed the girls towards my car.
'Yeah! It was nice meeting you.' Dillion smiled. Such a fuck boy smile but pretty.
'Call me!' Hannah winked to James as she pulled herself away.
Hamish and Taylor who had just been talking hugged as everyone separated.
This was nice! It felt normal, natural. No gangs, no drama just cute boys with girls. Normal teenage stuff, for one day at least.

Hey everyone, I swear Hannah is such a player but you have to love her. She's so fun to write about.
I do though have a major plot twist coming up that was so interesting to write.
Don't forget to leave a comment and rate if you are loving the chapters.


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