Chapter 35

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I grabbed mums hand and shoved her towards the bathroom.
'You're scaring me Zoie. What's going on? Someone might need help.'

Why wasn't Julian picking up?
'Mum please trust me.' I opened the bathroom door.
'Come on pick up!' I half yelled.
Mum was sitting on the closed toilet looked panicky.
'Please what's happening?!' She was raising her voice now.
'I can't explain right now but I will okay? I promise.'

I was about to give up when someone picked up the phone.
'Hello Julians phone?' It was Taylor.

'Taylor? Where is Julian?' I asked.
'Upstairs, you good?'
'No! Please I need help. Right now.' I spoke fast.
Mum wasn't talking, she was looking at me intensely. Confused.
I couldn't look at her right now, I didn't know how to explain any of this.

'What's wrong?' Taylor asked.
'Please I just...where is Julian?' Through the phone I could hear footsteps on the wooden stairs.
'Julian, it's Zoie...somethings wrong.' I could hear her talk.
'Zoie?' Julian asked in a rough voice.
'Julian you have to help. They're here, at my house. And my mum is here, I'm freaking out.'

The bathroom in the middle of of the hall had no windows so we'd be safer.

'What's going on?' Someone spoke in the background.
'Are you safe right now?' He asked. 'I... I think so. We're in the bathroom.'

Suddenly the air felt different. The knocking from the front door had stopped.
It was eerie.
Mum was looking panicked.

'Zoie, what's going on?' She asked for the hundredth time. I shook my head. I wasn't sure what to tell her.

Then I could hear it. It wasn't coming from the other side of the phone. It was coming from the house, in the hallway.

I pressed a finger to my lips and looked at mum.
A gentle creak sounded on the floors outside the door.
I picked up my hair straightener that I never used.
Mum was freaking out right now, I could see her shake.
I was shaking.

'Zoie?' Julian called. 'Go, just hurry up. Drive faster!' He was yelling at someone. I closed my eyes for a second.
My heart was about to leave my body.

'Zoie are you still there? You're scaring me! What's happening?' He yelled.
'Som....' I started but I stopped myself. I couldn't speak. I was terrified.

The handle to the bathroom jiggled and I jumped. This can't be happening, not right now.
'ZOIE?!' Julian shouted again.
I shook my head but he couldn't see that through the phone.

Then a loud bang as the bathroom door was smashed open.
'Ahhhhhhhhh.' Mum and I screamed.
We were pressed together.
There standing before us was Andrew. A cold smile over his face.

'And...Andrew?!' Mum shattered.
'Nice to see you honey, I'm home.'

He stood there a gun in his hand.
'You're out?' Mum was shaking. 'Yeah, have been for a while. Guess your daughter didn't get enough time to fill you in huh.' He joked.

' knew?!' Mum asked rudely at me. Shame covered me.
'Mum, I was about to tell you. It's not something I could just say over the phone.' I cried.
She rubbed my arms comfortingly.
'It's okay.' She smiled warmly.

'Anyway.' Andrew mentioned.
'If I remember correctly you were apart of a bargain.' Andrew said pointing the gun at me.
'What is he talking about Zoie?' Mum asked. 'Mum I will explain everything but right now doesn't feel quiet right.' I said with a bit of frustration in my voice.

'Well, I guess it's never over late then.' Andrew snickered. He pointed the gun at Mum. The trigger was pulled and a bullet flew straight at her.
It dug into her chest, she fell back against the wall. Sliding down roughly. Blood left a trail.

I screamed excruciatingly loud. I fell onto my knees. Dropping the phone in the tiles.
My arms clutched her body.

'Mum no, please mum no. Stay awake, please I'm begging you. No please!' I cried. My heart had been ripped out of my chest. Tears left their mark against her skin.
'It's okay baby.' She spoke. A small smile over her cheeks. I shook my head.
'This isn't real!' I yelled.
'It's okay.' She repeated.
'You're gonna be okay. I'm okay.' A simple tear slid down her cheek.
I shook my head.
'Mum no, please please please no. You can't leave me. Please I can't do it without you, you can't leave me. For once I am asking...begging you to stay. Please you can't go this time.'

She lifted her hand and brushed it against my cheek.
'It's okay.' She spoke. Her last breath left her lips and the air emptied from her lungs.
'Zoie?' I could hear the faint sound of Julian from the phone.
'Zoie, What happened?!' He spoke.

'Come on, let's go.' Andrew grabbed my arm tightly. Dragging me off the ground.

'Aahhhhhhh, no get off me. Get off me! Ahhh, stop!' I kicked and screamed. Punching his arm and whatever other body part I could connect with.
His grip was too tight, he dragged me out of the bathroom.
'Nooo.' I screamed. I watched as I got further and further away.
He pulled me into the hallway and I couldn't see her anymore.
Tears soaked my face, I couldn't breath.

'We need to get out of here now!' Someone yelled to Andrew.
Another man grabbed onto me as well. Pulling me out of my home.
No one was out in the street, there on the grass lying still was Mrs. Tracey.

My throat chocked. I went to scream but nothing came out. 'No please.' I thought, more tears pouring.
I was pushed into the back of the car.
A man stood at the car door with a gun, he pointed it at me.
He had been the guy to drag me out.
This was it? His face would be the last I would ever see?
I closed my eyes, I'd picture my mum. She deserved it, her face. Round and her smile. It was beautiful. The prettiest in the whole world.
I opened my eyes again, waiting for a bullet that never arrived.

The man smiled.

'See you later.' He spoke. He used the grip as a weapon itself. It flung towards me, a headache instantly arrived and then it all went blank.

In the middleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora