Chapter 16

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I texted mum saying I was at Hannah's and I'll be home after school. I felt bad, lying to mum sucked.
I felt really guilty, I know I shouldn't but it was better than telling her the truth. Which kind of made me understand why Julian and Taylor hadn't told me.

It was 9:08am, I was hoping someone would be home otherwise I'd just feel like an idiot showing up. I parked my car and waited like 20 minutes sitting in the driveway.
Sooner or later someone had to notice my car.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as I exited the car. It somehow was easier than doing it seeing.
I walked up to the door, there were vehicles in the motor court.

I knocked on the door, I was shaking but I had to do this, otherwise it would never be done.
I waited a few moments, then the door opened and Kaden appeared.

'Why is it lately I've seen you, you're bleeding or bruised?' He asked. I shrugged.
'Lucky I guess.' My voice was shaking.
'Come in.' He said.

'I thought you didn't live here?!'
'I don't. I'm here cause I'm doing something for Ezra.' He answered.
I followed Kaden down the hall to the kitchen. Ezra was sitting at the table with Ezekiel, papers spread across like a mad house.

Their eyes immediately caught me as I entered the room.

'You know what! I don't even wanna ask.' Ezra said, looking me up and down. I had found bruises on my arms this morning and my knuckles were still messed up, a deep bruise on my cheeks and throat and two smaller cuts on my face. As well as the massive bruise that formed on my stomach from where Karlos kicked me.
I had tried covering most of them up, putting makeup over the cuts but it was still visible.

'Taylor isn't here.' Ezekiel said.

'Is...' before I could ask Ezekiel interrupted.
'He's in his room.' I waited a second longer and then turned leaving their eyes cast on my back.

I climbed the stairs, quiet music poured from the landing. As I got to the top I could tell it was coming from Julians room.
I took a deep breath and knocked.
'Come in!' He grumbled. I pushed the door open. He was sitting on his bed, music coming from his stereo.
When he saw me he jumped up, turning the music off.
'Hey! What happened to your face? And your arms?' He asked. He hadn't even asked why I was here.
'I'm sorry!' I stated. 'For everything, for blocking you out, for causing so much freaking drama.'
'It's not your fault. I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth about Veronica.' I nodded. I don't know how I was holding myself together. 'Are you okay?'

I shrugged. I wasn't really sure how to answer that! He walked over to me, he seemed warmer than when I last saw him.

'I'm so sorry!' I repeated. He touched my shoulder and I flinched but I didn't pull back. Then his arms were around me, supporting me.
'I wish I told you, I know you wouldn't have snitched or anything but I was just scared.' I pulled back now. 'You were scared? Of what?' I asked.
'Of seeing you get hurt, like when that guy shot at you. Guess I didn't really prevent anything.' He said. He sat at the edge of his bed.
'It's okay. I don't hate you for it, I just don't...I don't know! Agree with it?' I said. He nodded and leaned his head on my stomach.

'Ow hey!' I said pushing it back.

'Sorry, what happened?' His voice starting to raise with aggression. He lifted the edge of my shirt, enough to see the size of the bruise. Then he traced his finger against the one on my throat.
'Who did this?' He interrogated.

'No one, don't worry.'
'Zoie tell me please!' He begged. I sat down beside him.
'Please, not right now.' I cried. He nodded and wrapped me in his arms.
It felt safe again, like it did before. I pressed my face against his chest.
Julian was still a good person, he was still the person I thought he was.
There was a knock at the door, Gabriel's face appeared.
'Oh hey, you're here.' He said towards me. I gave him a sheepish smile.

'I feel like everyone has fucking bruises today!' Julian said.

'Yeah you mean if everyone got it by fighting Karlos Milkavitch.' Gabriel argued, shaking his head. He dumped Julians keys on the bed.
'What? Karlos Milkavitch did this to you? That little prick from the party here? The same one that got Bason Chuck to pull that shit?!' Julian questioned.

I shook my head towards Gabriel. Gabriel raised his hands in defence.
'Sorry, I just guessed you would have told him. I mean you can't exactly hide them!' Gabriel said. 'Nice.' I replied. Julian threw himself up, he walked over to a set of drawers and pulled something out.

'Holy SHIT! You're going to shoot him? Julian no, Gabriel tell him.'
'What? I don't care, plus he assaulted some chick.' Gabriel went on.
'Oh shut up!' I yelled. 'It wasn't me it was some freshman.' I said.
'Doesn't matter! He is dead.'
'Julian STOP! Please, don't shoot him.'
'Why are you defending him?!' Gabriel asked.

'Will... you...piss off.' Gabriel smirked a little.
'Julian!' I spoke. I could see his jaw tense.
'Fine! I won't shoot him.' He said.

Suddenly, Taylor appeared in the doorway. 'Zoie?' She said. I spun to see her. 'What happened to your face?'
'Nothing! Julian can you put that down.' I begged. Taylor slid into the room and took the gun from his hand. She gave it to Gabriel.
I looked back at Julian, his face red and tense. 'Hey! I said I wouldn't shoot him.' He repeated. That didn't mean he would beat the living crap out of Karlos when he got the chance.
I remembered the first night I saw him. I presumed that guy I was with was dead, I had never heard a gun shot.
The boys came back upstairs covered in blood, had they beaten him to death? The thought made me feel really sick, I wanted to throw up.

Julian still hasn't said anything. 'I'm leaving.' Gabriel said. He threw Julians gun down on the bed and walked off.
'Can we talk?' Taylor asked me. I looked back at her. 'Yeah, I'll be back.' I said. I followed her next door to her room.
It had changed since I was in here last. She had put newer curtains on her windows and now there was a blue chair in the corner. It was fluffy and deep.

'Are you okay?' Taylor asked. I nodded. 'I'm sorry I lied, I was just. My brothers made me swear not to tell. It's not just something I could have brought up.' She defended.
'I get it. I'm sorry, I was a jerk friend. Your family business is messy but you're a good person.' I noted. A warm smile formed and it made me feel slightly better.
'I just didn't know how to take it. It's not everyday information.' I say.
'I get it. I'm sorry.' I smiled again. 'Can we be friends again?' She asked! I nodded. 'Yeah, though Hannah is probably going to need a little more convincing than me.' I inform.
'Yeah, right!' She spoke.

'How are your bruises?' Taylor asked. I gently pressed my stomach. 'Sore, it hurts like a bitch but I'll be fine.' I half lie. We stay in silence for a moment. It seems like a moment too long, I'm not sure what to say.
Then we hear a loud screeching noise. I look outside Taylor's window. Julian is pulling away in his black car.
'Shit!' Taylor and I chorus. I run into Julians room, the gun is still lying on the bed but he is definitely gone.

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