Chapter 48

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I hadn't heard anything from the twins in a few days. They were out of town to be fair. And our Uncle hadn't contacted Harry at all, I was scared he'd get a call before the twins decided something.

I had gone back to school, I saw Elena but she still hadn't said anything for me. It sucks that in gaining the slight liking of Ezekiel and Ezra I lost the liking of Elena and the others. Everything has just changed so much since I stopped being with Julian. At least I hadn't lost Taylor, I would have absolutely no one left then.
Well, except for Harry of course.

I couldn't even imagine what would have happened if he didn't come back.

I was heading off to work, I had gotten really close with Aiden. He still hadn't met Harry yet but it wasn't like we were dating, or at least I didn't think we were.

As I entered the bar it was still quiet. 'Hey Zoie.' Daren waved. I got ready in the back and headed out.
'Those two booths need looking after.' I grabbed a note pad and headed over.
'Hi what can I get for you today?'
'Just some beers.' The couple said. I headed back to the bar and added it.
'Hi, how's our night going?' I asked the next booth. It seemed like a boring night. Not much was really going on.

The hours ticked by quickly, god! I was so tired. Lucky I didn't have school tomorrow.

'Hi what can I get for you?' I asked some young people at the booth. The ordered stupid things like sex on the beach and just rainbow vodkas.

I just wanted to text Aiden and see what he was doing. I loved partying now, and smoking was so relaxing. Plus I was young, partying was just what kids my age did.

I got out my phone when I had a moment of peace. I texted Aiden, I didn't even know if they were having a party tonight.

'Um excuse me? Can I order?' I looked up. A nice looking guy sat behind the counter. He was black with tattoos covering his entire body. 'Oh uh, yeah no worries. What can I get you?' I ask putting my phone away.

'Just a corona.' The bartender was busy, I grabbed the beer and passed it across the counter. 'Thanks.' He slid some crash back to me.
'So, been a long night?' He asked.
'Uh-not really.' I shrugged. 'What about you?'
'Kinda, just finished work.'
'Nice.' I nodded. I wasn't really sure what to say. 'You look familiar.' He spoke. 'Yeah I work here so you probably seen me around.' He laughed gently.
'Nah. That's not it. Wait do you know a Kaden Ramos.' I sighed.

'I'll take that as a yes.'
'How do you know him?' I ask. He rubbed the back of his head. 'Uh, old acquaintances you could say.' He mentioned vaguely.
'Right!' I responded. 'How old are you?'
'I'm twenty-three.' What was with me and finding older guys attractive. Man, I gotta start looking at the freshman's. Have I even dated any guys my age ever? Well, apart from Milkavitch but I didn't wanna think about him.

'So, what you doing here?' I ask. 'Chilling.'
'So what do you do for work?' I had to ask.
'I'm also a mechanic, of sorts!' Again with being vague but I got the hint.

'ZOIE!' Daren yelled. 'Sorry, I'll talk to you later.' I waved off. 'What's up?'
'Those cops over there need to be served.' I grabbed a tray and walked over awkwardly.

It wasn't that I didn't like cops it was mostly that cops weren't good to have around.

'Hi, how can I help you officers?'
'Just get us a beer sweetheart.' One of them said, they instantly went back to talking among themselves.
'Okay.' I mumbled to myself.

I walked back over to the counter.

'I wonder what cops like that are doing in a bar like this.' The guy spoke. 'Who knows.' I place the drinks onto the tray.

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