Chapter 25

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Ever since Ezra got shot in his house things have been stressful. Julian said they were moving, couldn't stay where they were a target. It had freaked me out, did that mean I was a target? Someone had already threatened me, they knew where I lived. Not like I could just move.

I was in a car with Elena, she seemed really nice but her personality was strong. I kept thinking of how much Hannah and her would clash. We were on our way after school to Julian's new place. I was excited to see Taylor. I haven't seen her since just after the funeral. It seemed like ages ago, how could I have gone this long without Hannah.

They had moved just outside the city, I kept imagining what it would look like. Everything came through my mind but it wasn't how I expected it. It was almost like a Tudor house. A long driveway leads to a large house. Trees surrounded the property.
Four cars were parked outside the building.

'I swear I haven't seen these guys in FOREVER!' Elena yelled. 'Does Ezekiel and Ezra like you?' She asked me as she pulled up behind the cars. 'Not really.' I say shyly. I had tried to get them to but nothing seemed to work.
'Oh my god! Same, they hate me. I am SURE they could not hate you as much as me, Ezekiel really hates me but I don't care, ever notice how hot the twins are.' Sometimes, well most of the time Elena does the speaking for the both of us. I can feel her excitement, it's just the way she is. She is so different from me, so loud and outgoing. I never really had enough energy to be like that.

The front of the house has a little porch and a really cute red door. I doubt the boys would have come up with this idea. They were mostly too mucho, Kaden maybe. 'Hey!' Julian called out. I met him on the front steps and embraced him in a hug. A guy from the car in front got out, I recognized him as Johnson. His shirt was damp and dirty and he looked angry.
He gave a quick dirty glance over at me and walked off around the side of the building. 'Don't mind him.' Julian assured.

'Heyyyyy!' Elena called as she jumped out of the car. 'Elena, you're here.' Julian said. His tone wasn't exactly inviting.
'Yeah, you seen Gabriel around?' She asked. A cheeky grin on her face. Julian pointed inside and Elena was off in a hurry.
'Come on, I'll show you around.' He grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.

There was a long hallway, to the left was the dining room that lead into the kitchen and mudroom and to the right an office. The doors were closed but I could see shadows of people walking around inside. Their voices hushed.

At the end of the hallway was a half bath on the left and the U shaped stairs leading up and down on the right. Further down a big, clean, brown, and white kitchen was to the left opposite the family and keeping room.
The house was actually really nice and warm, it wasn't cold like the last one they lived in. But it wasn't small still like mine.

Upstairs were four bedrooms and the laundry and downstairs were two bedrooms and a bar area. Julian had one of the bedrooms downstairs, it was nice. He had a view of the yard which showed mostly just trees. The trees blocked any view of anyone else, making the property feeling excluded.

'What do you think?' He asked. 'It's nice.' Of course, it was nice, I couldn't imagine Julian or his brothers living in a place smaller than this. I walked back upstairs with Julian to the kitchen. Ezra and Ezekiel were out of the office now. Pouring drinks around the kitchen island. 'Oh, i'm not even surprised you're here.' Ezekiel said looking directly at me.

'OH MY GOD! I haven't seen you guys in ages.' A loud voice boomed from the hallway. 'ZEKEY, EZZY!' Elena yelled at the top of her lungs. I could see Ezekiels jaw practically drop onto the ground. Steam was blowing out of his ears and he looked like if he had a gun near him he'd shoot himself.
'Elena?! You're back in our lives. What a surprise!' Ezekiel said through gritted teeth. Gabriel entered the room with a huge grin on his face. He looked like he had planned the whole thing to annoy his brothers.
I felt kinda bad for Elena though, it was just the way she was. Energetic and loud.

'Hey where is Taylor?' I asked Julian as Elena was distracting the rest of the boys.
'She's in her room I think. Upstairs and down the hallway to the left.' I gave him a gentle smile before walking off upstairs alone.

Everyone was downstairs so it was really quiet up here. At the end of the hall I knocked on the bedroom to the right.
Across from Taylor's room was a sweet sitting area. A neat coffee table, a brown leather couch and a bookcase was all that filled up the space. What did they even do with all this space?

'Come in.' Taylor called after I knocked on the door.
I pushed it open and stepped inside. Her back was facing me, 'Hey.' I spoke.
My voice felt a little scratchy.

Taylor quickly spun, her eyes sparkling in the afternoon light.
'Zoie.' She cooed. 'Hey.' I repeated.

'It's been so long.' She walked closer and I opened my arms for an awkward hug. 'Yeah, how have you been?' I smiled.
She nodded Solemnly.
'Alright.' There was a tense pause in the air. I hated this, I wanted to be friends again. Friends like we used to be.

'I'm sorry.' She spoke suddenly. 'For what?'
'For everything! Hannah, for not been as close as we use to be. For a lot.' Her eyes seemed dark and I could see her holding back tears.

'It's okay.' I lied. It wasn't that okay, I hated it. That I had lost my best friend, I was still healing. But I didn't want to lose Taylor anymore than I already had.
'I wish I could have...'
'There is nothing we could have done.' I interrupted her. A simple tear slipped down her cheek.
'You didn't kill Hannah, Taylor.' Those we're the words Milly had said to me. It made me feel a little better saying them to someone else too.

'Are we still friends?' I asked. She swept her glance at me. Her eyes brimming with sadness. No one said anything for a moment. 'You still want to be?' She asked.

I nodded enthusiastically. 'Of course. I still love you! You're my best friend.' I smiled. My heart settled when I knew we would be okay again. Maybe not right away but we would be.
Taylor was someone right now I couldn't live without.

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