Chapter 64

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I was sitting in the office alone, I wasn't sure where the guys were but I said i'd meet them all here. My head had been hurting all day and I felt sick again. My stomach was turning, I wasn't sure what was going on. I probably had the flu or something. 
I remember my stomach hurting every time I had the flu. 
God, where are they?

The door opened but in walked Miguel. 'Hey, where is everyone?' I asked him. He walked over to the desk and put some papers down. 'They are all in the warehouse, they got a new shipment of guns come in.' He explained. 

Guns, did they really need more guns?
'Oh.' I reply. I was starting to feel light headed again. 'You okay?' He asked me. 'Yeah why?'
'You just look really pale.' I felt really pale. 

Before I even had the chance to think about it I was on my feet, running out of the office and into the bathroom. I fell to my knees, and started throwing up. Christ, I felt so sick. My lunch came up quickly. 
The door opened and in walked Julian. 'Babe? You okay?' He placed a hand on my back. 'Yeah, I think i'm getting the flu.' He helped me up and I washed water across my face. 
'Maybe you should see a doctor.'
'Nah, i'll be fine. I just need to take flu medicine and i'll heal up.' I comment. We walked back into the office, his brothers all standing around. 

'You good?' Ezekiel asked not amused. I clearly had taken his precious time. 'I'm good.' 
'Great! So, in the next few days we've organized a meet-up.' He mentioned. 'With?'
'With Luis.'
'Are you serious?' Gabriel reprimanded. 'We're gonna put him down once and for all.' Ezra explained. This all sounded like a very bad idea. 'What if he see's it coming?' 
'He might, but we'll have snipers. We are going in prepared. Once Luis is officially dead Da'Von wont have many standing by his side. It'll be easy to take them all out.'
'We'll take charge of all of his assets. Then we will finally have full control of LA.' Ezekiel said proudly. 

'This doesn't seem fool proof.' Julian commented. 'We will meet him at our older warehouse. All of us against the few of them.'
'Do you think he'll actually come?'
'He wont miss an opportunity like this. He'll think that it's in his favour.' Kaden explained. The door opened and Harry walked in. 'Here.' He passed a paper folder to Ezekiel. He flipped it open. 

'How did he get his hands on his?' He stammered. 'I have no idea.' Harry defended. 'What is it?' Julian asked. 'He got his hands on one of Ezra's cars somehow.' 
'What? How?!' 
'I have no idea. Maybe it was parked at a lockup. But we need to find it. It has something in the trunk of it.' He shared. 
'Let me guess, drugs or guns or something?' I guessed. 'A dead body.' The room filled with silence. 

'Why the fuck is there a dead body in one of Ezra's cars?' 
'At one point it was a live body.' Ezekiel snickered. 'Jesus Christ.' His brother shook his head. 'We need to find it before he throws the cops our way. We have some in our pocket but not all of them. The wrong cops find it we can't just buy them off like the rest.' Ezra mentioned. 

'Maybe next time don't just keep dead bodies in the trunk of your car.' Julian suggested. 

'I'll consider it.' Ezra played off his younger brother. 'For now we concentrate on the meet up. Everything has to go down exactly right. Gabriel and Kaden go meet up with Felix.' Ezekiel started to order us around. 'Harry, go with them. Julian I need you to go to Kaden's bar. There is gonna be this guy there that works for Da'Von. Watch him.'
'Why me?'
'He doesn't know what you look like. If Kaden goes he may tip off his boss.' Julian sighed and stood up. 'See ya later babe!' He leaned down and kissed me. 'Be careful.' I reminded. 

'Always am.' That wasn't wasn't always necessarily true. The guys all walked out. 

'Taylor talked to me.' I start. 'About?'
'Wanting a part.' The twins chuckled to themselves. 'Yeah, we'll we already told her that's never going to happen. 
'Why? You think she's gonna mess up?'
'You should give her a chance.' I am Taylor's best friend, I have to stand up for. And I wouldn't be lying if I didn't say it would be really cool being able to work along with her. 

'I said NO!' Ezekiel screamed taking a few steps towards me. Now I instantly wish I hadn't said anything at all. 'You do as you're told, got it? She isn't going to have any part in any of this. I am the boss and I said she's out.' 

He stepped even closer till I could feel his breath on me. 'You have been testing me a lot lately. Don't make it happen again. What I say goes! Is that clear?' He spits. I try to steady my heartbeat. 
'Zeke, leave her alone. Taylor probably made her ask.' Ezra defends. He pulls his brother back a bit. 
Kaden sits quietly listening in. 

Ezekiel looks between me and his twin. 
'I don't know what's going on between you two but drop it NOW!' He orders. 'Nothing.' I correct him. 'Nothing is going on.' Ezra looks mad now, madder than ever before. He looks like he wants to kill me, but whatever is going on with him isn't my fault. He said he did it just cause he could, I don't think that's entirely true. All I know is I miss the days where he used to hate me. 

'Anything you want me to do?' I ask Ezekiel, not meeting his eyes. 'No.' He calms down. 'Not yet, your part is coming soon. It's gonna be important so you better play the part well.' He's back to smirking and once again my stomach is doing flips. 
I want to throw up again. This whole conversation is just hurting my head. 
'You can leave.' He spoke. I walked out, closing the door behind me. I wanted to be sick again, was I going to be sick? 

Why is Ezra acting this way? Everything just seems so confusing right now. What did Ezekiel mean by my part being important. Saying I had to play the role. He seemed almost pleased with himself. 

All I knew was in the next few days something big was going to happen. They were not only planning to wipe Luis out but Da'Von and his whole crew as well. 
I knew Da'Von, he wasn't going to go down so easily. He'd try and take us down as well. I just didn't see this ending well. 

I lay on the couch at the Ramos house. My head in Julian's lap. Taylor was beside us at my feet. 'Do you think Zeke has thought this through?' She asked us. Julian shook his head. 'He just wants Luis dead which I get but he's willing to risk everything to get it. He wants this done quickly.'
'Is Ezra thinking the same?' I ask. 'Ezra just goes along with everything. That's his twin brother, he's not gonna argue with him. Plus we all know Ezekiel is boss, not Ezra.' He explains more. I remember long ago, Ezra sat me down right here and told me that his dad called him the devil. That's what he was apparently, a twin that wasn't meant to be. Bad luck and such. 
Of course he would just do what Ezekiel orders. 

'Something about this just doesn't feel right to me.' Taylor said. 'Ezekiel is never this....abrupt. He would plan this out more.'
'I guess.' Julian agreed. 'There must be something Da'Von has against him.'
'Zeke would never let anyone have something against him.' 
'What about the body found in Ezra's car?' I mention. 'Who was it?' 

'I have no idea but Ezra wants it back quickly. Must be someone important.' Julian answers. This is all just making my head hurt. 
I felt sick again today but I wasn't going to throw up. The movie played across the screen. 

'Have you guys ever seen the God Father?' I ask, a smirk across my face. 'Oh my god!' Taylor giggles. 'Seriously?' Julian asks. 'I'm curious.' 
'Yeah, I think i've seen it once.' He tells. I don't know why I thought of it. Maybe cause they were in their own mafia. Most of what i've seen seems similar to their lives. I've never seen Ezekiel give out favours though. But I guess that's cause he doesn't have a daughter that is getting married. 
Is that the only time it can happen?

There was a loud knock upstairs at the front door and yelling. 'What's going?' Taylor asked. We jumped up from the couch and ran up the stairs. All of a sudden the front door was kicked open and police officers swarmed in, guns pointed directly at all of our heads. 

'WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?' Julian screamed at them. 'GET DOWN ON THE GROUND, HANDS BEHIND YOU BACKS! NOW!' One of the men yelled. We quickly got down on the ground. I couldn't help but panic. Were we about to get arrested? 

'WHERE IS EZEKIEL RAMOS?' The man screamed again. 'WHERE IS EZEKIEL RAMOS?' He screamed a second time. My breath was heavy and my chest hurt. I won't lie, I was pretty scared. Julian looked furious. If he had a gun on him I wouldn't be surprised if he started shooting. Taylor was panicking beside me, squeezing her eyes shut. 
'WHERE IS EZEKIEL RAMOS?' The man screamed for the third time. 
Suddenly two officers came back downstairs, they were holding Ezekiel's hands behind his back. I had never seen him so mad in my entire life and I had seen him mad before. 

They cuffed him and dragged him towards the front door. 

'CALL EZRA, GET MY FUCKING LAWYER!' He yelled back to us. We were still lying on the ground, my hands and shoulders were starting to hurt. Then as suddenly as they came they were out of the house. 
Julian jumped to his feet, he grabbed a gun hidden in the closet and jumped into his car. 

'JULIAN!' I called out but he couldn't hear me or maybe he just wasn't listening. He drove quickly, speeding away. 

'Come on.' I pulled on Taylor's shirt. We had to follow him. I jumped in my car, Taylor right beside me. We drove as quickly as we could but we couldn't see Julian. How fast was he driving? Would he crash. 
He must was furious when he left. 

After what seemed like forever in the car, not talking. We were both too confused and worried to talk we arrived at the warehouse. Julian's car door was still open but he was gone. 
We walked inside, everyone had seemed to stop what they were doing. We could all hear yelling coming from the back office. 
Then Kaden, Ezra and Gabriel walked out. Julian behind them, they all had furious expressions spread across their faces. 

'What's going on?' Taylor asked her brothers. 'Ezekiel was arrested. 'No fucking shit!' I shouted back at them. 
'You four stay here, that's an order!' Ezra pointed at Julian, Gabriel, Taylor and I. We stood quietly and watched as Kaden and Ezra took off. 

'WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING STANDING AROUND? SHIT STILL NEEDS TO BE DONE!' Julian screamed at everyone and they quickly became working again. I walked into the office with the guys. Julian leaning against the desk. 

'I can't believe that just happened.' Taylor panicked. I could see she was still shaking. I can't blame her. I was still trying to process the last half hour myself. 
'This has to have something to do with Luis and Da'Von.' Gabriel spoke. 'What about that body, in Ezra's car.' I mentioned. 

'Do you think it was a cop or something? Someone in the FBI maybe? If Ezra killed them and Da'Von had the body he wouldn't have waited a second to throw that back onto Ezekiel. We all know the cops have been trying to test him for a while now.' 
'If it had anything to do with that, Ezekiel may have a harder time getting out of this.' Julian pondered out loud. 
'Don't say that!' Taylor panicked. 'We have a good lawyer, he'll be fine.' 
'If the cops have their attention now on Ezekiel it'll take heat off Luis which is exactly what they want. The cops are just going to wanna take out the biggest competitor.' Gabriel added. 
This was all just getting too insane.

The door opened and Harry walked in. 

'Everyone out there is talking about how Ezekiel just got arrested in his own home.' He informed. 
'Yeah, well everyone out there should be doing their own fucking jobs instead.' Julian slammed his fist against the desk, making it shake. 
'How do they even know he was arrested?' I ask. 
'Apparently it's live news that mob boss Ezekiel Ramos was just taking into custody.' He shared. 

'Fuck!' Gabriel swore. 

'They want the media on it. The more media the harder it'll be for him to just walk off.' I note. I couldn't believe this was actually happening. Would this be the end of the Ramos crime family? Surely it wouldn't be that easy. 
This war between Da'Von and Ezekiel was getting out of hand. Soon no one would be able to control what would happen. 
'All I know is that Luis and Da'Von are officially dead men. I'm gonna fucking kill him.' Julian screamed. I didn't try to calm him, I understood completely where he was coming from. They deserve everything that's coming to them. 
'What are we gonna do about Ezekiel?' I asked. 

'Ezra called his lawyer, he'll be meeting with him at the station now. There isn't a chance in hell they are actually going to put anything on him.' Gabriel explained. 
Julian grabbed his phone off the desk and looked at something seriously. 
'What?' Taylor asked. 'Ezekiel's bail was set at one and a half million. He's been put as a suspect for a federal agents murder.' He released it all out. 
'Jesus FUCK!' Gabriel swore again. 'They're gonna get him.' Taylor panicked. 

'No! He's gonna find a way out of this. He always does.' 
'They're gonna put him away, just like dad.' Taylor mentioned. The room filled with silence. 'Look posting bail is easy, we can bring that in cash. So he's gonna come home and we'll figure this all out. We wont be blamed for this, not a single thing.' Julian reassured. 

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