Chapter 46

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I was sitting at the dock in the old car. It was starting to smell, I could see a bunch of people doing stuff a little bit away. Unloading crates off a shipping carrier.

I had driven as close as possible and parked without getting caught. God, if Harry knew what I was doing right now.
My heart was beating practically out of my chest, I remembered what Ezra had said. "I can't bail you out of this one." Great! Just great.

Not only was I stealing but it was from another gang, there was no chance they'd just let me live. They saw me stealing and I'd be dead for sure.
Right! I had to move soon.

From what I could see the cars that were in the crates were been taken out and there were a few people to drive the cars. All I had to do was find the person driving this 1970 or whatever the car was and knock them out, taking their place.
How could this possibly go wrong?

I got out of the car and snuck through the yard closer and closer to the crates.

I froze, around the corner of a container was a bunch of guys laughing and chatting.
'Man! I can't believe we get to drive these cars.' One of them joked. 'You know we aren't keeping them right?' Another spoke.
'What if we just did? We will be in the car alone, what if we just drove off?'
'You could try to keep the car but you wouldn't be keeping your head.' Someone retorted. The guys started laughing again.

Holy Shit! Maybe luck was on my side.

I looked down, I was still wearing my clothes I had gone out partying in last night. I have a plan, it probably wont work but it's a plan.
From where I was standing each guy was holding a key, it must be to the cars they were driving.

I brushed my hair down and fixed my shirt so more cleavage was showing. I don't know what would happen if I didn't get this car for Ezra. Also didn't know what would happen if I failed at getting this car.

I took a deep breath in and started walking towards the guys.
'Hahaha OH my god! Are you guys the drivers?' I spoke loudly and in a fake voice. The guys spun around quickly. Some pulled guns from their waist band.

'Oh come on, you wont shoot a pretty girl like me?!' I winked. The guys slowly put their guns away.

'Yeah, we're the drivers.' One of the guys smirked. 'Oh my god, that's so hot! I love a man that's good with cars.' I curled my hair around my finger.

'So my daddy told me about this car that was arriving today, my daddy is thinking of buying it for me.' The guys started laughing softly.

'Yeah? What car is that?' Shit Zoie! Think, what car did Ezra say it was?

'It's a blue one!' I said hoping that would work. 'You'll have to be more specific baby!' Another guy joked. I did a fake, cringe laugh. The guys started laughing too. Come on Zoie, think! THINK!

'I think my daddy said it was a pony act or something!' I didn't actually remember the word Ezra said so I just prayed that my stupid act worked.

'You mean the 1970 Pontiac GTO.' Some guy said. 'OH MY GOD! That's it.' I fake laughed. All the guys laughed louder.

'Do you think, maybe you could give me a test drive? You could drive me home. You see I'm home alone and I don't wanna be with some weird random driver you know?!' I played it off.

The guy stood up and walked towards me. He looked me up and down.
'Yeah! Why not?! Would hate for a pretty girl like you to be left all alone.'
'Yay!' I smiled. Wow, I had stooped to a new low.

All the guys and I waited by the cars now.

'Whose she?!' Some tall, dark guy came up to me and the driver of the Pontiac. 'Just some chick, just gonna drive her home safely you know?!' The driver laughed.

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