Chapter 11

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I hated Tuesdays just as much as Monday's. Yesterday was some public holiday so we started on a Tuesday, it felt like a Monday.
I was meant to be hanging with Julian tonight at the gym.
Taylor and Hannah were going to the movies. I had told them about mine and Julians plans. Hannah has half insulted him and Taylor was over excited.
A lot of ohhhh and ahhh's.

School seemed to be lasting for ever. I was in last period. Apparently Bason had been transferred to a new school. His mother had sent him to a boarding school in San Francisco. It was news for the entire day.
The bell finally rang and I took off out of class. I could tell all lesson Mr. Wisener wanted to talk to me about something but I didn't want to.
I just really wanted to get to the gym and see Julian. I was really starting to like him, though I know he kept so many secrets and it bugged me.

As I pulled up I saw a really nice silver convertible. It had cheesy red dice hanging from the review mirror.
There weren't many people in the gym.
'Hey! It's my favourite girl. Any food?'
'Sorry Matteo, I didn't work. I'm working tomorrow though!'
'I love ya!' He said blowing me a kiss. I walked to the back office and stopped short.

There stood a tall, overly skinny beautiful women. She had long blonde hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a tight red dress that matched the dice in the car.
'Hey!' I called sheepishly.
'Hey! Zoie, this is Veronica. She's an old friend of the family.'
The two were sitting really close on the desk.
'Hi it's nice to meet you, you're Taylor's friend right?'
'Yeah and I'm dating Julian.' I smiled back. The response seemed to shock Veronica. She pursed her lips and flicked her hair elegantly over her shoulder.

'Oh, so how old are you? Like 14? Julian getting a bit risky here aren't we?' Veronica joked.
Julian looked uncomfortable. 'I'm 16.'
'My apologies.' She responded. I didn't like her. Every word she spoke seemed to bite.
'Well I know exactly why you'd want this hunk! We used to date.' She smirked and sized me up.
'Well anyway, I just came by to say hi! I'll be sticking around here for a while. Nice to meet you Zara.' Veronica said clicking her way out.
What the fuck just happened? I thought.

'You good?' Julian asked. 'Veronica seems nice.' I said sarcastically. 'Don't be threatened of her! She's just an old family friend!'
'What? I am not threatened by her.'
'Yeah?' Julian asked, he pulled me closer to him. Making my body tingle.
'Yeah!' I answered.
Julian leaned in and kissed my neck, it sent shivers over my skin. It felt so nice, I closed my eyes and let his hands travel the length of my body.

I pulled back for a moment. I wasn't sure where this was heading and knowing his ex girlfriend was in here with him doing god knows what put me off. He sensed the tension in my body and pulled back.
'Hey! I would never lie to you!'
'What?' I asked.
'You're thinking about Veronica!'
'So when I say she is just an old family friend that's the truth. We hooked up over a summer a few years back and that's it. My damn family loves her though. Her father and mine knew each other growing up. I swear there is nothing there.' I trusted Julian. I knew I had to. I nodded and kissed him.

'I believe you!'

It had been two weeks since I first met Veronica! She seemed to always be around, when I was hanging with Taylor at her house Veronica was there chatting up her brothers. It really bugged me, she was her and I was me.
Plus Veronica was Julians age, I wasn't.

I was heading to Taylor's today, a long day of school had just ended. I swear if Veronica had shown up I would have thrown something. I had seen her at the gym everyday since she arrived. Taylor said she didn't like her, said something happened a few summers back.
All I know is that wherever Veronica seems to be trouble is too.
Hannah would be at Taylor's too. And so would Veronica probably.

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