Chapter 56

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I had successfully hidden the hand shaped bruise from Harry, he was asleep on the couch when I got home. Now I was fully committed to wearing a long shirt even though it was warm outside. 

I walked out of my room and into the kitchen, the strong smell of bacon cooking was in the air. 
'Morning! Or should I say afternoon?' Harry seemed chirper this morning, I hadn't seen him like this in a while. 

'What's going on?' 
'I thought I'd make you lunch.' He mentioned. I glanced at the clock, it was already one-thirty. How had I slept through half the day? 
'Yours's is on the table.'

A bacon sandwich sat on a plate on the dining table. A smile instantly went across my face. 'How did you know?' 
'I know you.' He winked. I quickly dug in, I didn't realise how hungry I was until I saw the plate. 

'So, where did you take off to yesterday?' He asked. 'I just went to a café, with a friend from work.' Technically I wasn't lying. I had met Luis at work and he was a friend or maybe more. Who knew, that was still up to interpretation. 

'Is this friend a boy or a girl?' He questioned. 'This friend is a FRIEND!' I emphasized, though that was a lie.
'Alright, I trust you.'

'What about you?' What happened to that guy from the club?'
'Well, we were going to head back to his place but something came up.' 

'Yeah, yeah! I know. You should still call him. Meet up tonight.' I suggest. 'I can't tonight.' His expression changed. 'Working?'

'Yeah. I Gotta go down to the docks and pick something up.' 
'A car?'
'What? Nah. I'm not sure what it is but it's not a car.'  We stayed quiet for a moment. I hated these silences. This really was our life huh? I know mum wouldn't exactly be proud. 

'You thought about quitting that job yet?' 
'Not really.'

'Come on Zo, you can always find another job. But you Gotta work at school. You have one year left after this one. Gotta get good grades, be the first in our family to actually graduate.'

'What? Both mum and dad graduated.' Dad it was the first time either of us had said his name. It felt sickening. I shook it out of my thoughts, clearly Harry did too. 

'The first out of us two then. You have a chance at actually making something out of yourself here Zoie. Don't let that pass by.' He was right, once upon a time I wanted to go to an Ivy League college. I doubt that was still a possibility but going to college still was. 

I still didn't even know what I wanted to study, what I wanted to be. There was just too much to think about right now, it was all making my head hurt. 

'You done your homework?' 
'Yeah. All ready to hand in.' 

'Good.' Mor silence, this was killing me. 'Look, I gotta go get ready to head out but stay home tonight, rest up. Just watch a movie, chill or something okay?' 

'Okay.' He cleaned up his mess and headed upstairs. I threw my head against the back of the chair. 

Truthfully I didn't know about anything anymore. 

School had been a drag all morning and now it was time to hand in my Crime and Punishment assignment. 
I walked past the teachers desk and threw my paper down onto the growing pile. 'Oh Miss Carter, can I have a minute?' She poke. All the other kids were taking their seats. 

'Uh, sure?' Great, what did I do now. 

'I was wondering how you were settling in. I know it appears on your record you've had a tough year. I've noticed you haven't really made any friends here yet.' The way she put it sounded so.... vague. I know what she meant but why was she even paying attention to my social life anyway?

Truthfully I missed my old school, part of me wished I had never moved. Then I would have Taylor still, but my old school was so far away from where I lived now. And I would constantly be reminded of Hannah where ever I turned. 
I missed her so much, and I felt like I would never move on but I know I had to. 

'I just am not really the out-going type.' Well at least I'm not anymore, I think I used to be. Once upon a time. 

'Well, our next project is a team up. Maybe this would give you a chance to open up a little. Give the other kids a chance.' She insisted. I wasn't sure what her play was here? Maybe she just felt bad for me, great someone else's pity. 

I gave her a small smile and walked back to my desk. I looked around the room at all this faces. They were all shallow and empty looking, like I was the only one that didn't want to be here. Did any of them even know that I existed. Other than the time I was told to put my phone away. But not a single one looked inviting, I couldn't relate to any of these people. 

I slumped in my chair as class began. Kids were passing notes to their friends. I missed that, honesty. I missed the parties and events. I missed knowing people at school. 

But what I didn't miss were people like Bason Chuck. God, I had almost completely forgotten about him. 

Two girls beside me giggled and looked my way. Great, attention. I guess maybe I didn't miss that. 

I sat alone in the food court again. Elena wasn't here and neither were the guys. A round table at the back of the hall was making a fuss, cheerleaders and football players yelling like they owned the place. 
They probably did. 
I got out my phone and texted Taylor. 

"How is school? Apparently my teacher thinks I should make more of an effort in meeting new people." It seemed like forever till I got a text back. 

"Really? I haven't really made any new friends either. How is it possible the girls at this school have actually gotten meaner? I am still trying to convince the twins to transfer me to your school. But they said I already see enough of you." 

The twins, a sharp pain coursed through my arm where Ezekiel had left that mark. I wonder if any of them had told Taylor what happened at Kaden's? Probably not. They weren't exactly the sharing kind. 

"Damn, the twins suck sometimes hey?" I still wasn't sure when Ezra was going to talk to me but he said it like I was going to get screamed at again. I was tired of getting screamed at. 

I went to Luis' contact and messaged hey. I still had to find something more out for Kaden and truthfully I was starting to like Luis. He had been sweeter to me than most people ever have been. 

The bell rang over me and I had to try not to scream. I didn't want to go back to class. I had been attending and doing so well for the past few weeks but I was sick of it, I just wanted to get out of here. 

My phone buzzed again, it was from Luis. 

"Hey, how are you going today?" He even added a smiley at the end. "I'm alright, stuck at school and it's been a drag." 
"You should skip, come by mine. We can chill?" The offer was very tempting. I headed to my next class but when I saw the kids walking in I couldn't stop myself. 

I didn't want to be in the class, and the teacher wouldn't even know I was gone. 

I snuck down the halls as fast as possible and out to the car park. I was glad to be back in my car, safe and out of class. 

I texted Luis back. "Send address!" 

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