Chapter 19 - Jehlani

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Words couldn't describe how I was feeling right now. Being with Trent has been a whirlwind, and I decided that I'm going to enjoy the ride for the rest of my life. Since I woke up this morning, I've been having all sorts of visions about Amina and the mystery woman that looks just like her. After breakfast and the amazing tour, I was sitting Indian style on Trent's bed reading the book he gave me on his family.

I was learning some interesting things, but what really got my attention was the second chapter called, The Unsung Prince. It was a foreshadowing about twin brothers named Oren and Omer who would compete for the throne of Oba and the role of Alpha.

Oren and Omer would be like night and day; good and evil. Oren would be feared, and Omer would be highly revered. Oren would overhear his father making plans of crowning Omer as Alpha and Oba, and this would anger him. As an act of revenge, he would stage a coup in the royal palace that causes another species war, and in that war, their father would be killed. What he wouldn't account for was his father's will, which names Omer as his successor, because he knew of his first-born's evil intentions. Once Omer is named Alpha of BraveHeart and Oba of Ogboju, he dismisses his brother from the village for treason against the tribe.

It was fascinating to learn all this history. As I flipped through, I got to a story named, The Witch and the Wolf. It was the story of Trent's great ancestor and the witch. As I read along, I saw the name of the witch: Anisa Harding. I gasped, then dropped the book as if it bit me. All the stories that my Nana had told me about our Ancestors swirled through my mind, and this story stuck out because it had been told to me multiple times before. I decided that I needed to meditate, so I got into my mantra and relaxed my mind.

When I opened my eyes, I was standing in the darkness of a large hut. As I looked around, I noticed plants in every corner, a library of books and scrolls on the far-left wall, and empty potion bottles scattered around. A large black cauldron rested in the middle of the room; the smoke that cascaded upwards through the hole in the ceiling gave off an unfamiliar smell. I stepped out of the darkness to better scan my surroundings; to my right was a woman with skin identical to the night sitting on the bed crying. She had broken chains on her wrists and ankles, which spoke volumes to my soul. When the floorboards creaked under me, her face shot up to meet mine. The color of her eyes matched mine, and she possessed perfect bone structure. Her breasts sat high behind the hide top, and her legs were perfectly structured underneath the sarong she was wearing; her beauty was devastating. There was a lioness on either side of her feet, as if they were guarding her.

As I inched closer to her, the lionesses silenced their growls and bowed to me. The woman stared in amazement at the sight.

"Why are you crying?" I sat beside her and placed my hand on her shoulder. The moment I touched her, I felt something in me change.

"The one I love has fallen for another, and I wrongfully conjured my revenge. The Ancestors will never forgive me." She dropped her head and sobbed harder. I consoled her as I could feel her pain.

"Nilikosea, na Goddess ameniadhibu ......" Her voice was soft, yet powerful.

(I was wrong, and Goddess punished me)

"What did you do?" I asked her. With a wave of her small hand, a glowing blue lotus appeared out of thin air and floated towards me. I placed my palms together and it fell into my hands like soft rain. When it touched my skin, the petals gently opened and a whisper was soon heard coming from the flower,

"Kilichovunjika kitatengenezwa tena, lakini damu lazima imwagike......."

(What was broken shall be mended again, but blood must be shed....)

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