Chapter 20 - Clarissa

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In less than an hour, I'll be meeting the long-lost twin sister that I didn't know existed, and I was beyond terrified. After twenty-five years on this earth, I never thought I would be part of a pair; I had so many questions to ask and so much to tell. I was going through my clothes deciding what to wear when I felt Duke wrapping his strong arms around me.

"Hey, babe, are you okay?"

"No!! I'm nervous, Duke! I can't even decide on what to wear." I was fussing over the tops in the drawers until Duke pulled me away to face him.

"First of all, you need to calm down. Secondly, I'm sure she will love you in whatever you wear." He kissed my forehead in reassurance.

"Listen, before the main event, there's a bit of a preliminary hearing you gotta get through."

"What are you talking about?"

"Trent's mate insisted that she meets you before you see your sister."

It was like a boulder hit me. What did she want to talk to me about? Now, the old me would've started thinking negatively, but I've grown in so many ways since Duke marked me.

"Why is that?" I was still curious.

"She and Amina are best friends, and she thinks it will be wise if she prepares you mentally. Her words, not mine."

Tuh!!! The nerve!!! I didn't need her in my head trying to figure shit out. Just because she was my sister's best friend didn't mean anything to me, but I had to play nice. According to Duke, she is the reason this meeting is even happening.

"Okay, cool. Where is she?" I decided to go with a purple oversized sweater and some regular jeans; no need to get fancy.

"Right outside," Duke replied with a nervous smile.

"Damn, she's fast! I guess she was eager to meet me!" I followed Duke out into the living room and saw Trent sitting on the couch with his arms wrapped around a gorgeous brown-skinned sista. I had to admit, she was flawless. From her hair to the ruins on her arms, she reeked of the power belonging to a Luna. I immediately began to regret my previous thoughts of her.

"It's okay. I can understand the amount of stress you're under. It's a lot going on around you."

"Hold up! Did you just read my mind??" That shit was crazy; how did a werewolf have such power?

"I'm not a werewolf exactly, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. I'm Jehlani." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She had a glow about her that made the air seem so light. I was beginning to see why Trent fell in love with her.

"I'm Clarissa, but you know that already."

"Come sit with me." She giggled as she patted on the spot next to her. She shooed Duke and Trent away, stating that we needed girl time. Once I sat beside her, she gave me a warm hug, and I instantly trusted her. Her eyes drew me in, and I felt like I could be myself around her.

"I know it was rough for you in the past. I can understand that it's hard for you to trust people. I used to be the same way."

"How so? Were you separated from your twin sister? Almost raped and killed by a psycho rogue? No disrespect, Luna, but you don't know anything about how I feel." I crossed my arms and legs while I fought back tears.

"I'm not saying I know your pain, but I do know how it feels to be alone. I had to learn that to move forward, you must do just that; move forward. It seems hard at first, but you have a great support team that will help you through this."

The Forgotten Prophecy: The BraveHeart SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now