Chapter 28 - Trent

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On the day I planned to eradicate him, Camden decides to show up at my mate's front door, and I was extremely relieved that I had been here with her. Amir wanted to rip Camden limb from limb, but I didn't want Jehlani to get hurt, so I calmed him.

"Stay calm, babe. The sooner we get him out of here, the sooner we can go grab Duke." I heard my mate whisper the words from behind me, but I was still looking in the direction of the living room.

"I thought you said that you put a force field around your house?" I asked as I quickly turned on my heels to face her.

"I did, but I decided that since you were here, there was no need to have it anymore. I know you'll protect me." I instantly softened at her words, then pulled her close.

"You damn right. They gotta kill me first." I leaned down to kiss her but was interrupted by Camden.

"Aw, how sweet. Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it." He stood six feet away from us, and I pushed Jehlani behind me to shield her. I felt her small hand on the nape of my back, and I knew that was her way of keeping me calm.

"What do you want? Aren't you tired of terrorizing innocent people?"

"Is that what I'm doing, nephew? Terrorizing? I'm only here to wish you good luck on your coronation tomorrow. I hear it's gonna be the gala of the year, but it pains me that, once again, I did not get an invitation." I watched his every move, and I most definitely made sure that Jehlani was out of harm's way.

"I wonder why. You are a sadistic, paranoid psycho that needs to be put down. You shouldn't even be allowed to reproduce." I spat the insult at him and felt Amir trying to break free again as Camden took a step my way. I soon felt a calming aura pulsing around me that made the air smell sweet like fresh sunflowers and honey. I turned around and saw Jehlani slightly levitating off the ground. Her ruins were glowing, along with her gorgeous eyes. The Ancestors truly blessed her. I had only seen this sight once, and that was when my mother and grandmother conjured the protection charm around the house.

"Is that right? Got yourself a little protection charm, huh? I'll tell you what, how about I just leave you two lovebirds to your thoughts? I know a dead end when I see one. I'll just go back to the hospital and check in on Quinton's son." I turned back to face him, and although his eyes were identical to fire and his canines could be seen protruding, he remained calm with an evil smile on his face. He walked towards the door, and I shielded Jehlani as we passed by each other, our chests almost touching. He gave a sinister smirk that erupted into diabolical laughter.

"Your days are numbered, dear uncle." I pointed my finger at him and hoped to send him a message that I was serious. All he did was deliver more diabolical chuckles.

"Wanna know something funny? I was going to say the same thing to you, nephew. Oh, I'd keep an eye on that pretty lady of yours, too. She's something special."

"Tell me something I don't know, bruh. Get the hell out." Camden laughed, then slipped out the door. I swiftly went to lock it and looked out the window. He was gone without a trace, which sent a shivering chill down my spine.

"Amir, are you alright?" When I felt her touch, I nearly jumped out of my skin. I turned to face her, and a growl escaped my lips. My chest rose and fell rigidly as she stroked my face. The sweet gesture was calming, but I was still pissed that he showed up at my woman's house again.

"Center your focus, Amir. Calm your mind." She raised her hands on either side of my head, and I felt an airy sensation course through my mind. I don't know what she was doing, but she was making me feel so damn good.

A few minutes later, I had her doggy-style on the back patio. This woman truly had a hold on me. Her moaning my name mixed with her sweet cries of pleasure took me to a place I've never seen, and I found myself hypnotized by her power. Afterward, we lay on the palette that we made in a hurry gazing up at the clear blue sky.

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