Chapter 29 - Clarissa

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Duke kissed me and ran out the door in such a hurry, I didn't get a chance to ask him what time he would be back home. I was sitting in the chair wrapped in the covers trying to erase the horror scene from my mind. The task became harder once the ringing of the sirens rested underneath my window. Even though we were on the tenth floor, it felt like we were much closer to the ground.

In all my years of being on this Earth, I've only known one person to cause such destruction, and I chose not to even speak his name. I wept for Damian and Quincy, and I wept harder for the demon that caused such hell because messing with a BraveHeart is a death wish. I wiped my tears and decided to get dressed because there was nothing that could get solved with crying. I made sure the doors were locked, then went to fix myself something to eat. I wasn't really in the mood for cooking, so I settled for a bowl of cereal. I was glad that I was done with my finals because I don't think I could handle driving around today. Not after what I've seen this morning.

While going through my thoughts, my phone rang, but I didn't recognize the number. I was reluctant to answer, but whoever it was didn't plan on hanging up until I did.

"Hello?" I responded shakily.

"I hope my artwork didn't offend you. It wasn't some of my best, but it's not in my best interest to show too much of my genius." I couldn't believe he had the absolute gall to call me.

"How did you get my number and why are you causing harm to innocent people? Those men did nothing to you." I was on the brink of tears, and he mocked me by laughing.

"My dear, you know me. That was nothing compared to the damage I plan on inflicting on the great Alpha Drake and his nosy little sons. I'll keep the wife as my own little trophy of victory." His words dripped with menace and hatred.

"Do you honestly think that you will be able to set one foot on that property? They have so many charms and protection spells around that land, not even the devil could get through it."

"My sweet child, there's nothing I can't have. You know that." He laughed, but he also misread the threat that he threw me.

"Except me and the title of Alpha. I'm not scared of you anymore, Camden. I'm not the same she-wolf that was willing to kill for no reason. There is nothing you can do or say that would give you dominion over me again." I felt my power returning as I scooted to the edge of the chair.

"Oh, yea?? Well, how about I visit that sweet sister of yours? How would that make you feel, smart-ass?" He struck a nerve, but I knew that my sister was safe. She was with her boyfriend, and he's not about to let anything happen to her.

"Good luck finding her. She's at an undisclosed location to keep her safe from the likes of you. I'm already ten steps ahead of you, asshole." He chuckled in my ear as I spewed my threat.

"That's cute. Taking precautions because of little bitty me. I feel honored."

"You take that honor and go to hell, you son of a bitch. Don't call me anymore." Soon as I hung up, I blocked him, then I called the phone company and made him the first name on my block list. I got up and walked out to the balcony. The fresh air and December wind calmed me down as I hugged myself and began to cry again. I made the mistake of looking over the balcony to be nosey and became sick to my stomach at the sight of all the blood. I was glad that I had someone to protect me because I would never be able to handle Camden on my own.

As I waited for Duke to return, all I had the nerve to do was pace back and forth. I called my sister to check on her and make sure she was safe. Since telling her boyfriend about our history, he's forced her to move in with him until further notice, and that was fine with me. He actually took the news better than we expected, which made the situation a little better for us. No woman is safe when Camden is loose. I must've paced around the apartment for almost forty-five minutes before I noticed the buildup of dust on all the tables. I cleaned and polished everything three times before I was convinced that everything was spotless. I was growing more nervous with every passing second that I didn't hear from Duke, and when he finally called me, my heart was put at ease.

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