Chapter 1 :New Mister

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Set in an alternate universe South Korea,which is ruled by the powerful Korean Mafia.

There is law,there is police,but only for namesake. No one dares to go against the Elite Mafia Clan.

Lead by Leader Han,who every citizen fears. A man no one dares mess with. There is no rival to them , all other mafia groups have become non existent ever since their rise in power. It is a total monopoly.

Just like a butterfly caught in a spider's web,there is a young girl hidden at the centre of this dark web- Han Jia.

Jia is 22 years old(korean age). A student of medicine. The reason she took up medicine and wanted to become a doctor was because she wanted to heal. All she saw growing up around her is violence.

She wanted to go far away from this life one day, some far away country,say Switzerland,where there is only peace and happiness,and be able to spread joy and heal people.

She was a college student in her final year. Just a year more,and she would be free to go from this trap,her father promised.

The day she turned 23,was the day she would find freedom.

She was all alone at University,as nobody dared to even look up at her-she was the First Daughter of the country. Even the teachers feared her. Jia was tired mentally-she absolutely never even had human interactions with anyone.

Everyone saw her to be 'one if them' . Was life even worth living all alone like this?

But at least she has her father, who she loved very much. She didn't care what kind of a man he was. Whatever he was doing was for her and loved her back. Just a year more and she will finally be free. That's what she kept telling herself.

Her daily routine had been the same since years.

Waking up,heading to uni,getting back,studying,eating and sleeping. There was no sort of new things in her life.

She was all alone in the mansion her father kept her in at a hidden place in the city,where no one could reach her- she was his weakness.

He visited very rarely,doing most conversation on phone or through video calls as he was always on the move.

It was a raining that evening,it was a Friday and Jia was relaxing on the couch in her room watching television.

She was not expecting anyone and was surprised when the maid announced that her father had come to see her.

She quickly sprang up excitedly. Meeting her father was the only happiness she had. She ran out into the living room.

"Papa!" She grinned widely and saw him seated in the living room couch. He got up and opened his arms wide as she went and hugged him.

"I missed you my Rapunzel." He says patting her long hair.

She smiles up widely at him and says 'me too'

They both sit down and have some tea.

"Why the sudden visit papa? Not that I am complaining,but I am just surprised." She giggles.

"Well,let me get to the point then darling." He says with a solemn expression.

She is worried at his change of tone.

"What's wrong papa? Everything is okay with you right?" She asks with worried eyes.

"Yes princess.... it's not about me,it's you that I am worried about..." He says with a worried face.

"What is it papa..." She takes his hands into hers and searches his face for an answer.

"Princess,this is only a safety precaution,though I am 99 percent sure you will be alright..." He stutters.

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