Chapter 2: Promise

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"Umm...what is it that you imply...?" Jia asks cautiously.

"Miss Jia do you have windows in your room?" Yeonjun asks.

"Umm yes...french windows...." she says confused.

"French windows are made up of glass,and with today's technology it is possible to cut out glass with advance machines and anyone can enter your room without making any noise and kidnap you in between the night. No one would even know." He says bluntly.

"Woah Mr Yeonjun, I think my papa appointed a body guard and not a grandma who would tell me scary stories at night"she says pretending to get scared.

Again he smiles for what seems to be one moment, before his expression changes back to solemn.

"Woah did you just smile at my joke? Woah...I didn't know you would laugh at my lame jokes..." Jia laughs.

"Anyways Ms Jia coming to the point, according to your father's orders I will have to protect you 24/7 ,and that means I will have to stay in your room." He says bluntly.

Jia felt awkward. She just met this man a few hours ago, and now this. But she didn't know if it was because her Papa sent him or what,but she already felt some sort of connection with him, something about him was comfortable and safe.

"Okay, I guess we have no choice then." she nods and makes way to her bedroom as he follows.

"This! Is my room!" she shows him her room which she has lived in for over 20 years now.

It was a simple room decorated with pictures from her childhood. Yeonjun looked around with interest, there were so many pictures of a little girl and her mother.

"So the theme of my room is 'Over The Years', see this wall here?" she points to one wall which had pictures arranged in a row.

"This is my own timeline, I put up pictures of all important and happy events in my life." she says with a smile.

"Happy events...why am I always alone in those pictures though..."she sighs.

Her birthday, ,her graduation from school, in all of those photos, she was the only one smiling into the camera. Though she smiled cheerfully, Yeonjun could see a sadness in her eyes.

"Anyway Mr Yeonjun, I don't want to bore you with my tales, I hardly have visitors so I got a little excited." She laughs as Yeonjun looks at her. Yes, it was the same sadness in her eyes, just like in the pictures. He realizes how lonely she has been over the years.

"Anyways, the biggest question now is where are you going to sleep?" she looks at him with wonder.

"Miss you don't have to worry about that ,I will take care of that myself." He says and sits down on the couch.

"Ahh I see,so you are going to sit on the couch the whole night,and have a sore back by morning tomorrow and get fired by my papa by afternoon...good plan." she says sarcastically. He smiles at her lame joke again for just a moment.

"Yeah,its a laughable matter so please laugh." she giggles.

"Anyways, help me to move in the bed from the guest room here, so that you can use it." she says as she walks out.

"Ms Jia, I can get it myself, you don't need to strain yourself." Yeonjun says as he gets up to go out himself. She holds back his hand.

He is flustered with her suddenly taking his hand, but conceals it well.

"Mr Choi,what if someone kidnaps me while you are in the next room? You know,french windows,silent one would even know..." she repeats his own words and grins.

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