Chapter 11:You Betrayed Me

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"Yeonjun ssi! Let's go skiing today!"

"Do we have to..."Yeonjun seemed a bit reluctant but looking at her excited face he gave in.

"Alright." He nods.

"Great then!" And that's how the plan was made.

Their hotel had a ski resort within itself,hence it was more secure and exclusive only to the residents at the hotel.

"Jun! Let's go!" Jia appeared in her cute blue ski suit complete with mufflers which made Yeonjun chuckle.

"Cute..."he murmured.

"Eh? Say it louder,so that I can also listen." Jia puts her hand over her hear but Yeonjun shakes his head.

"Let's get going now." He escorts her to the ski place.

" this is the real's so beautiful." Jia was blown away by the beauty of the snowscapes.

"Yeonjun ssi...have you have been here before?" She asked.

He nods, "I have been here for my training and studies."

"Woah...I could live here all my life."

Yeonjun goes up and stand in front of her.

"Jia ssi...have you never been here before?" He asks seriously.

"Of course not. This is my first trip here. In my circumstances I could never-"

"Are you sure of that fact?"

His serious attitude confuses her.

"Of course,that's why I have been dying to come over here all these years!" She laughs.

Yeonjun takes a moment before he nods.

"I see,I can understand."

"Look the cable car is here! Let's go?" She points out to their ride up the hill.

He nods and they both walk upto it and get on.

As soon as it rises a few metres above the ground,Jia excitedly looks out the window.

She could see icy landscapes,frozen laked and the sun peeking out warmly amongst the hills.

"This is what heaven must be like." She wonders.

Deep in thought,she doesn't realise that she accidentally let her grip loosen on her skii which falls out the window.

"Oh no!" She watches it drop a few metres down into the ice.

She slowly looks at Yeonjun who is shaking his head.

"I am sorry..."she guiltily apologises.

He chuckles,"it isn't even that far down. I will just run back and get it once we reach uphill."

"Oh you don't have to,I will go get my own gear-"

He pats her hair.

"It's no work at all Jia ssi,I will get it. I will be back in a minute,so just stay put here.

He quickly scans the surroundings and nods his head.

"I will be back." He skiis downhill
to get back her gear,and slowly disappears out of sight.

It should take him a couple of minutes,so she settles down on the snow

Though it snowed in Korea too,she never got a chance to build a snowman,so she wants to try her hand at it.

"Woah...they make it seem so easy on tv...this is going to take some work..."she mutters as she tries to man balls of snow.

"Ta da!" She finally finished making a decent looking snowman.

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