Chapter 14 : Yours Faithfully 'C'📜

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(2 Years Later)

A little boy clutched onto his mother,afraid to go into the doctor's room.

"Eomma! Can we please go home! I feel alright!"

The helpless mother doesn't know what to do.

Just then,the little boy hears a sweet voice calling out to him.

"It's alright,I won't hurt you sweetie."

He turns around to see a noona in a pale white doctor's coat. Her wavy chocolate brown hair, neatly tied in a ponytail. She had a sweet smile on her face.

He wondered,who lied to him that doctors were old ajhusshis with syringes? In front of him was the most prettiest noona he had ever seen.

He wondered,who lied to him that doctors were old ajhusshis with syringes? In front of him was the most prettiest noona he had ever seen

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She sits on her knees to reach the little boy's height.

"Your mom is a little worried because you have a little stomach ache. Will you come with noona so that I can make a small checkup? I will give you a chocolate once it's done! Okay Jihoonie? Deal?"

He smiles shyly.


She smiles at his mom and leads the boy into her room.

For the next couple of minutes she places the sthethoscope on his stomach,asking him to tell her if it pains in a particular spot.

The young boy meanwhile was trying to act brave in front of the pretty noona. Because he has been told 'Boys don't cry'.

She chuckles, "Jihoonie,it is okay to tell if hurts alright? We all have times when we are in pain. We have every right to express it okay? Don't ever hide your feelings." She tells him.

He nods and slowly points to the area where it's hurting.

She nods and quickly makes a prescription which she hands over to his mother.

"Don't worry,it's just mild food poisoning. I have written down some vitamins to build his immunity system. Let him rest for a while. And he will be alright."

"Noona,where is my chocolate?" He asks,outstretching his hand.

She giggles and sits down to his height.

"You shouldn't be eating chocolates right now. So instead,how about a hug from me this time?"  She opens her arms. He giggles and nods and embraces her.

She gently pinches the five year old's chubby cheeks.

"Byee Jihoonie! Stay healthy okay! And remember,it is okay for all of us to be open with our feelings."

She waves from the doorsteps of the hospital as the little boy and his mom leave.

Unknown to her,there is someone watching her from faraway.

The unknown man in the shadows turns away and takes out his journal.

Day 2556 Of Being In Love With Jia

"Why do I love you so much? You are sweet,kind and caring. You are like a butterfly trapped in the web of a wretched spider. In this wicked world of medical mafia,you still choose to not give any unnecessary medications to a young boy,just for the sake of money. Jia,I want to make you happy. I love you."

-Yours Faithfully



A/N-7th January 2022

Who is C👀

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