A Villains's Lost

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Your POV

You all stood by as Shigaraki looked pissed beyond limits. He kept scratching his neck. "What's wrong? Not attacking? Didn't you say you were gonna clear this level earlier? Well come if you dare." All Might said.

"Man this is... Intense." Bakugo stated. "As I expected. There's no reason for us to fight now. He'll handle this." Todoroki said. "No way. I'm not leaving until I see them groveling on the ground. And I want a piece of this action as well." You said. "Think about the high stakes of staying. We might risk getting in the way. All we need to focus on now is making sure our classmates are safe." Todoroki said as he started to walk off. "Yeah he's right. Come on Midoriya. We should regroup with the others. The last thing we wanna do is get taken hostage or get in his way." Kirishima said also walking off. But you and Deku didn't move. You both saw the steam coming off All Might's body and knew he had no time left. If his bluff doesn't work he'll be in trouble. You looked around and saw the other lower class villains waking up and starting to move. 'Crap. If they get up and start attacking, All Might's done for. Damnit! He needs to fall back now. I can try to buy everyone enough time to escape. In the mean time I can still get some answers out of those two. How did they know my name? Who the hell are these guys?' You said in your head.

Then the villains behind you get up and walk towards you all. "Guess we gotta take care of the weaklings first." You said as you stood next to Kirishima and Bakugo who also got ready to fight. Then in a flash, you saw Shigaraki start to run directly towards All Might. 'This is bad. They're actually about to attack him.' You thought. Then in a second Deku went flying in the air straight at them with fist raised in the air. "Whoa Midoriya!" Kirishima said. Then you saw Shigaraki's hand go threw a warp portal and come out in front of Deku's face. "Damnit Deku!" You shouted as you jumped in the air straight after but you weren't fast enough to stop what was about to happen.

Then a gunshot went off hitting Shigaraki's hand. Deku fell to the ground and you stopped in your tracks. "Where did that come from?" You asked out loud.

"Sorry everyone! I know we're a bit late! But I got the teachers over here as fast as I could!" You heard Nezu shout from the entrance. 'Bout time they got here.'

"Your class rep has returned! I've fulfilled my duty! And I've brought reinforcements!" You also heard Iida shout as you looked to see the UA High school heros assembled.

"Your class rep has returned! I've fulfilled my duty! And I've brought reinforcements!" You also heard Iida shout as you looked to see the UA High school heros assembled

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All the pro heros started to attack the villains slowly making their way towards you all. "Aw man. The pros are here. It's game over. For real. Lets go home and try this when we can--!" As Shigaraki was about to finish his sentence he shot multiple times in the arms and legs making him fall to the ground and Kurogiri protecting him. Before they had time to breathe they was being suck up by Thirteen's blackhole Quirk. "I may have failed to kill you this time, but your days are numbered. All Might Symbol of Peace. I am going to kill you. As for you Akio." When Shigaraki said your name you turned to him as he entered the warp gate. "I'll be seeing you soon. And so....Will they." He said before he and Kurogiri disappeared. You stood there in confusion as Shigaraki's last words trailed your mind. "They?" You muttered.

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