Final Exam

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The next day class went back to how it was for Class A everyone focused on their midterms test before the finals. Most of the class were scared out of there minds because there were some classes that they had trouble with while others didn't worry too much about it. To everyone's surprise Akio was tied first place in the midterms test along with Momo. Some of the class wanted help from the two studying before the finals. Momo was first to want to help her friends study inviting them to her house. She also invited Akio to come but he declined saying he wasn't interested which made her have a sad look in her face for the moment.

Later at lunch/ Your POV

You were sitting at lunch with Deku, Shoto, Iida, Uraraka, Tsu and Hagakure. You were next to Shoto along with Iida and Deku while the girls sat across from you. "I'm kinda scared about the practical. I have no idea what it's gonna be." Deku spoke up. "Hard to believe they'd give us anything too crazy." Iida said. "The written exam questions will all be stuff from class so, I should at least be able to do those." Deku said. "Do you really think it's gonna be that simple?" Uraraka asked. "It's driving me nuts. I just wanna know what they'll be having us doing." Deku said. "It's a comprehensive test of everything we learned this year." Hagakure said. "Yup and that's about all we could get from Mr. Aizawa." Tsu added. "Okay so it will cover combat training and rescue training. And basic training." Uraraka said. "We can't just study, we have to stay in great physical shape--" Deku was cut off when someone it the back of his head with an elbow. You looked to see the blonde assface from Class B.

"Oh sorry, you're head's so big that it's hard to miss." Assface said. "Great, Assface is still around." You said getting his attention. "You know damn well that's not my name!" Assface said. "You're right, but I frankly don't give two shits. So buzz off fly." You said. He ignored you and continued his ramble.

"I heard you guys stumbled across the Hero Killer. Just like you Class A people, not happy unless you're the center of attention. People don't think you're good heroes. Just imagine if any of us got into your little spotlight misshapes. What villains will you bring apon us...." Assface kept rambling until you growled. "I don't think anyone would mind if I turned him into fried chicken." You said starting to get up with Shoto trying to hold you back.

Then the orange girl known as Kendo also from Class B came behind Assface and hit the back of his neck making him fall down. "That's not funny Monoma! You heard what happened to Iida! Chill out!" She said. "Kendo?" Iida said. "I apologize for him. I'm pretty sure there's a hole where his heart belongs." Kendo said. "Tell me you stopped his heart from that hit." You said. "Unfortunately not." Kendo said. "What a shame." You said going back to eating your food.

"So I know you all are worried about what's gonna be on the big pratical exam. I heard its was gonna be giant robots like the entrance exam. One of my friends who's a few grades up filled me in. I know, cheating, but oh well." Kendo said. "Darn it! Why didn't I like about asking an upper classmen before." Deku said and started to mutter a few things. "What kind of idiot are you Kendo. You just gave away our advantage. This was supposed to be our time to finally one up those Class A idiots--!" Assface was cut off by another chop to the head by Kendo and she dragged him away. "They're not the idiots." She said.

Later in class

Once the rest of your classmates heard about what to expect from the practical Ashido and Kaminari were thrilled. "All right! This'll be super easy if it's just robots!" Kaminari said. "Such awesome news!" Ashido added. "Why do you both sound so happy. You two are the main ones having a hard time controlling your Quirks." You said. "Yeah! But I can let loose with robots!" Kaminari said. "And melting them will be easy for me!" Ashido said. "Now all you two need to do is study with the aid of Yaoyorozu and you guys will ace the finals." Sero said making you sigh.

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