The Encounter

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After the Practical Exam was finished the results were being piled up my Aizawa to give to everyone in Class A. Everyone was nervous and excited to get their results. Well almost everyone.

Next day Narrator POV

As Class A was waiting for Aizawa to come back with news the ones who knew they failed were Ashido, Kaminari, Kirishima and Sato who looked pale. "Everyone, I'm looking forward to hearing all of your stories of how fun camp was." Ashido said in a crying voice. "Maybe they'll end up letting you go! There might me a last minute twist or somethin'." Deku said trying to boost their spirits. "Stop Midoriya. By saying that out loud you're just jinxing them." Sero said. "They said whoever failed the exams would have to skip training camp and live in summer school hell. We didn't pass the the practicals so we're doomed. Don't you get it Midoriya!? Or did All Might knock all the brains outta you?" Kaminari shouted poking Deku in both his eyes. "Ease up Kaminari. I'm not sure if I'll be able to go either. Our team only pass thanks to Mineta. And we don't even know how they are grading them." Sero said. "At least bring back some camp souvenirs!" Kaminari shouted.

Then Aizawa swung the door open. "Once the bell rings everyone should be in their seats!" He said and those who weren't seated immediately got in their seats. "Morning. Unfortunately there are a few of you who didn't pass the final exams. So when it comes to the training camp in the woods, everyone is going. The good news is no one bombed the written exam. Five failed the practical badly. Two teams of curse then Sero failed as well. The teachers were focusing on how your teams reacted and handled the situation well. Those who failed will still get those extra lessons. The camp was going to focusing on building up your skills. We were never going to separate you. That was just a logical deception we used." Aizawa said.

"Mr. Aizawa this is the second time you lied to us aren't you worried we might lose faith in you!" Iida shouted bluntly. "Maybe. I'll consider it. But I wasn't lying about everything Failure is failure. The five who failed will take extra lesson that'll be harder than summer school." Aizawa said.


After classes were over everyone got a pamphlet about the training camp. They would be staying for a week. While they talked about it Ashido and Hagakure got an Idea. "Hey guys! Since we're leaving tomorrow why don't we go shopping at the mall together to get what we need!" Ashido said. "Yeah that sounds fun!" Uraraka agreed and some others. Todoroki declined saying he wanted to visit his mom in the hospital and Bakugo just didn't want to do. "Akio what about you? You coming with us?" Kirishima asked. "Tch. I got better things to do." He said but before he walked out he was stop by Ashido. "Oh like what? Be moody and broody at home. C'mon just live a lil and come with us. It'll be fun!" She said. "I told you I'm not--!" Before Akio could finish Yaoyorozu stepped up. "Come on Akio. We're not taking no for an answer. We'll drag you there if we have to." She said making you growl.

Your POV

'Can't believe was dragged her by them.' You thought as most of the class were inside the mall. After everyone got out of their school uniforms they met up at the mall to shop. You were practically dragged out of your house by Momo, Ashido, Jiro and Hagakure. After everyone got to the mall they agreed to split up and go do their own thing and meet back up at a later time. By the time things were settled down, it was just you, Kirishima, Ashido, Momo and Jiro. "So what are you guys gonna get?" Kirishima asked. "I just want to shop for some cute outdoor stuff to wear at the camp." Ashido said. "Me too. What about you Akio?" Momo asked. "Well since I was dragged here against my will I might as well get some stuff. I'm going to a store that has some weights." You said. "Weights?" Momo asked. "Yes. I already have what I need to wear for the training camp. I want to try this new way of training that might help me better." You said. "No way! That sounds cool. Mind if I come to. I want to get some more training clothes." Kirishima said. "Whatever. But you won't be able to do much since you're taking extra lessons with Ashido and the others." You said. Then Ashido lightly punched you in the arm. "You don't have to rub it in! We'll still be able to go! That's at least something!" Ashido said. "Okay Ashido that's enough. Well we'll let you boys go do what you want. See you soon." Momo said as the girls went in one direction and you and Kirishima went the other way.

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