Akio Vs Hino

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Narrator POV

"Get ready everyone! I hope this battle will turn things up a notch! Here's our next players!" Present Mic said in the loud speaker. Fire shot out of the sides of the arena and both competitors came to the ring and walked up to the stage. "Here we have a kid that's strong and determined to handle anyone! Class 1-C Murano Hino!" Hino walked up on the arena stage and smirked. "And a powerful hothead who is one of the strongest in his class and most likely in the whole hero course! Class 1-A's Akio Yamo!" Akio stood on the arena stage with arms crossed as he clicked his tongue.

Class 1-A watched with all eyes on the stage. "This is it. It's time to see what Akio's capable of." Ashido said. "Time to see how much fire he's got inside of him. I'm excited." Kirishima said. "This fight will be exciting indeed." Momo said. "You got this Akio." Emiko said.

Your POV

You stared at Hino as he stared at you. "Just so you know, I won't show any type of mercy on you." Hino said. "Hmph. Funny I was thinking the same thing." You said back. "Fighters ready! And begin!" Present Mic shouted. "Get ready, cause you're about to witness what I am capable of!" Hino shouted as his arms turned into blue flames and shot out his hands with force. "Take this!" He shouted and fired a huge blue wave at you. You gave out a long sigh and stuck your hand out. Once the flames made contact with your hand the flames exploded. Once the smoke cleared you appeared without a scratch. "W-What?!" Hino shouted. "Let me show you what true power of fire is." You said. 'Inferno 30%' your fire shot out of your body in an intense state growing more and more powerful. "Whoa! What a powerful Quirk! Akio has unleashed a super hot amount of fire and it keeps on getting hotter!" Present Mic shouted in the loud speaker.

Hino growled and charged at you. "That was a fluke! You won't overpower me!" He shouted. You generated some fire into your arms and ran towards him. Once you clashed with Hino a mixed of red and blue flames came off of the two of you in a massive explosion. You jumped away from him and shot fire out of your hand straight at Hino who dodged it and fired his fire out of his hand at you. You threw your hand up and blocked the flames as you charged at him. Your entire arm turned into flames as you landed a punch in Hino's gut sending him back some. Hino managed to stop himself just before he went over the edge. "So, you've trained yourself to use your Quirk to increase your strength. That's impressive." Hino said. "Flattery will not save you. I have more than enough strength to beat you." You said. "Well, so do I!" Hino said as he shot fire out of both his hands at you. You extended one hand out and blocked the attack. Then out of the corner of your eye you saw Hino jump right at you and throw a punch right at your face. "Now take this!" He shouted and fired a massive wave of flames at you send you back a little. "Ah! What a move! Hino used the attack to his advantage and got the jump on Akio! Watching this match makes me feel so excited!" Present Mic said. "Ha! Guess you didn't see that comin' did ya!" Hino said laughing.

You gave him a glare as you brushed off the graze on your face. You increased your Quirk's power even more making the entire stage shake. "Whoa wha! What's going on?!" Hino said but soon had a shocked look on his face while staring at you. Then in a flash you was right in his face staring at him with your fiery red eyes. Before he could react, you landed a hard punch in the gut making him give out a gag. You then did a spin kick sending him flying back on the ground. You saw Hino struggling to get up as he was painting. He stood there in shock as he stared at you holding his gut in pain.

"You done getting your shit together? Cause I'm getting bored." You said and that made him growl. "What did you say you heartless shit?!" Hino shouted. "I said I'm bored. You're boring me." You said. Hino got madder and he unleashed more of his blue flames. "You think you can mock me?! I'll turn you to ash!" Hino shouted making his fist turn into blue flames. "Tell you what, I'll let you get one clean hit on me as hard as you can. But you better not waste it. Cause if you do--!" Before you could finish your sentence, Hino punched you in the face and he smirked.

You saw his smirk disappear when he was the unfazed look on your face as you grabbed his arm. "...You're gonna regret it." You said then pulled him forward kneeing him in the gut. Before you could let him fall to his knees you grabbed him by his hair and lifted him up. You stared into his eyes as you shot out your fire at him sending him back. He got back up but fell down on one knee. "How?! You didn't show this much of your power in the first rounds. How are you so strong?" Hino asked. "It's obvious why. Cause I'm strong and I train. Unlike you, all you do is boost about your power but never train cause you think you're perfect the way you are. I'm the real deal and you better start seeing it." You said. Hino growled and gave out a scream unleashing more of his blue flames. "You will not defeat me! I'll burn you away with my most powerful attack!" He shouted as small blue orbs were forming from the palm of his hands.

'Inferno 50%' you generated a lot of heat into your arms. Hino put his hands in front of him and blue fire shot out in a massive wave. You put one hand out and a massive fire wave shot out of your hand. Once both waves clashed a mixed of blue and red flames shot out turning into a giant fiery orb. Hino put more power into his attack and shot out more flames pushing your attack back some. You felt your hand be pushed back some as you felt a sting in your arm. 'Give me more' you put more power into your arm and unleashed more fire out of your hand. Once you did that, a huge explosion went off in front of Hino.

Once the smoke cleared you saw Hino on his knees with burns on his arms and shirt as you walked towards him. You looked around to see the entire arena in silence and small flames were around the ring. "Ya know it's funny. After all this.....you still haven't earned my respect." You said as you stood over him. "...screw you." Hino whispered. "Hmph. It looks like you can't get up so that means you can't fight." You said putting your hand out in front of him. "Time to make this official. Get outta my ring." You finished as you shot your flame out pushing him out of the ring.

"Hino has been knocked out of bounds! Akio wins and moves on!" Midnight shouted and the crowd started to cheer as you walked into the tunnel exit. As you entered the tunnel you saw All Might waiting for you in his skinny form. "Hey, I saw your match. You did good. I'm proud." He said with a smile. "Wasn't hard to beat someone like him. He spent too much time gloating about his power. If you have power then show it instead of talking about it." You said. Then you felt a sharp stinging in your arm and you clutched it letting out a grunt. "Akio? You okay?" All Might asked. "Yeah. I'm fine." You said but let out another grunt as you felt another sting. "You used too much power in that fight. You got to be more careful. Remember Quirks are an extension of your body and it increases your physical power. The more power you use the more strain you put on your body." All Might said. "I said I'm fine All Might. I'll win my next match in the second round and keep on winning with my power. And I'll do it my way." You said as you continued to walk. "Okay just... Be careful. You may be strong but you're still young. Don't push yourself too hard." All Might told you. You let out a sigh and continued to walk away.

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