Calvary Battle

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The Calvary Battle

Your POV

You were dodging teams left and right so they wouldn't take your headband. When some used their Quirks to attack you defended yourself with your own Quirk creating a fire barrier. You watched as others got their headbands taken while dodging attacks. You looked at the score board and saw many others had points and losing points as well.

Then you saw a blue flame in front of you. You looked and saw Hino. "You can't escape me!" He said and fired another blue flame at you and you dodged it. You dodged multiple blue flames coming at you while jumping around the area. "What's wrong?! Too scared to fight back!" Hino shouted. You glared at him and fired a heatwave straight at him.

While you did that, some string tied around your arm in a tight grip. You looked to see other students standing a few feet away. One of them had the string in his hand. "You dropped your defenses. Now we can reel you in and take your headband. Don't bother trying to escape. My strings are super tight and hard to snap." One said with a smirk. "Oh come on. Tell me you didn't think you stop me with some string." You said as you grabbed the string and made it catch on fire. Once the string got to the other end an explosion went off in front of them. You looked behind you and saw Hino fire blue flames at you and you dodged it.

"Stop running away and fight you coward!" Hino said and you rolled your eyes. "You're not worth my time or my power." You said and he growled. "I'll show you!" He shouted and his team went for the attack again as you continued to dodge him.

"Only one minute left! Todoroki has cornered the other five million point team!" You heard Present Mic say in the loud speaker. You then got hit with Hino's flames in the back but it didn't faze you. Then the one at the bottom created metal spikes and threw them at you. You dodged the first three and grabbed the last one with your hand. You looked at it for a second until it exploded in your face. "Ha! Thanks to Akabari spikes. He can shoot them and make them explode whenever he wants! You can't beat that!" Hino shouted. You on the other hand was pissed. Once the smoke cleared, your eyes glowed like red fire. "Bastards!" You said as you dodged all of the exploding spikes left and right so not to get hit.

"With time almost up, team Todoroki is in first place with four headbands! Despite their best efforts, team Midoriya has fallen to the bottom! Will these be the top five teams along with our Rogue that moves on to the next round?" Present Mic shouted. You looked at the time and it was only 20 seconds left.

"Damnit! I won't let you beat ME! Hino shouted and and his team charged at you full force. "That's it! They asked for this." You said and charged at them. Once you got closed, you jumped in the air and you and Hino threw fire waves at each other back in back. You landed on the ground and prepared for the next bombardment. "Incredible! In a shocking event team Midoriya is back in the running with only 11 seconds left!" Present Mic shouted in the loud speaker. Then a countdown started on the screen as Hino's team ran towards you full force as you stood there waiting.

Then a horn went off and everyone stopped. "Time's up! The second round is officially over! Now lets take a look who are top teams are!" Present Mic shouted.

"In first place our Rogue Akio!"

"In second place team Todoroki!"

"In third place team Bakugo!"

"In forth place is... Team Shinso?! When they come back from the dead?!"

"In fifth place team Midoriya!"

"And in Sixth place team Hino!"

"These valiant teams will advance on to the final found! Now lets take an hour lunch break before we start the afternoon festivities!" Present Mic finished.

"Damnit! Your lucky Akio! But soon I'll get you!" Hino said storming away. "Ugh. That was boring. Not really that much was done by me in that one. Oh well. The final round is where I'll be." You said.

As you were about to walk away you was approached by Todoroki followed by Deku. "What do you want Todoroki?" You asked. "Come with me." Was all he said and walked away with Deku who was looking nervous and looked at you with a pleading look asking you to come. You rolled your eyes and decided to follow them.

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