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Season 2

Your POV

It was almost time for the Training Camp and you was in your room making sure you had all the stuff you needed packed. You had two bags in front of you. One was a backpack caring regular clothes to wear while the other was a duffel bag caring your training gear that you got from the mall. Weighted vest and bands along with some shoes to train in.

As he was doing that he heard his door open and saw his little sister come in. "What is it?" You asked. "Mom needs your help with the TV again." Emiko said. You gave out a sigh. "Okay. Lets go." You said following her out.

You and Emiko went into the living room and saw mom having trouble with the TV. "Hmm. I don't know what the problem is. The TV screen keeps changing colors." Your mom said. "Let me see." You said walking behind the TV. You kneeled down and saw some cables tangled with each other and one loose cable out of place. You grabbed the cable and plugged it back into the TV. You stood up and looked at your mother. "A cable was out of place back here." You said. "*sighs* What would I do without you. With you I don't have to pay a lot of money for a tech guy to show up." She said making you roll your eyes.

Then you the doorbell ring. "Oh who could that be?" Your mom said as you went to the door. You opened the door and saw Kirishima and Bakugo standing at the door. "Kirishima? Bakugo? What are you guys doing here?" You asked. "Didn't you get Midoriya's message he sent in the group chat?" Kirishima asked. You had a confused look on your face until you pulled out your phone and saw that Deku did send a message in the class group chat. He was inviting people to come to the school pool for endurance training saying it was Kaminari and Mineta's idea.

"It took me a minute to convince Bakugo and when I saw that you didn't read it I decided to come see if I can convince you to come. I think all the guys are already there right now." Kirishima said. You looked back for a second to see your mother and Emiko nodding yes as you turned back to Kirishima and Bakugo. "Tsk. Yeah whatever. Lets go." You said. "Alright! Lets go. Don't wanna be late!" Kirishima said as the three of you walked away.


Soon the three of you made it to the school and got into some swim trunks. You headed to the school pool and saw everyone in your class already here and it looked like they were taking a break drinking some sodas. You also saw the girls from your class here as well playing volleyball in the pool on the other side. "Kirishima! Kacchan! Akio!" You heard someone shout as you saw Deku and Iida waving at you. "Hey! Sorry we're late. Took a while to convince these two to come along." Kirishima said.

"Hey Deku!" Bakugo shouted with a frown on his face. "You wanna settle who's the best between us right now? Huh?" He said as he had small sparks come off his palms. "N-No. That's not it." Deku said backing up. "Hm, you know since we're here training, might as well compete against one another in a contest. Hey Everyone! I propose we see which one of the boys can swim 50 meters the fastest. A friendly race." Iida said. "Yeah!" Kaminari said. "That sounds fun." Sero said. "Lets do it!" Sato added.

"Hey Iida!" You heard Momo shout as you saw her and the other girls come over. "Why don't you let us help you out with this?" She asked. "Yes please." Iida said. "And are Quirks aloud?" You asked. "Yes since we're at school. Just don't damage people or the building." Iida said. Bakugo had a grin on his face. "Deku, Icy Hot and Akio, I'm gonna annihilate you!" He said. All you did was growl and look to the side.

3rd POV

For the contest up first was Mineta, Tokoyami, Kota, Bakugo and Kaminari. "Okay everyone! On your mark, get set, go!" Yaoyorozu said. Then Bakugo jumped in the air and used his Explosion Quirk to fly across the pool. "Burst speed Turbo!" He shouted as he made it to the other side. "How's that ya sidekicks!" Bakugo shouted. "That isn't even fair!" Sero shouted. "You didn't even touch the water!" Kirishima shouted. "It's called freestyle swimming!" Bakugo yelled.

Then up next was Todoroki, Sero and Aoyama. When Yaoyorozu blew her whistle, Aoyama used his Navel Laser to fly over the pool, Sero used his elboe tape to swing over while Todoroki created ice so he can glide across it. Aoyama ran out of steam halfway and hit Sero making Todoroki the winner. "You're supposed to be swimming!" Mineta and Kaminari shouted.

Next was Sato, Kirishima and Akio. They all jumped in the water swimming to the otherside. Akio used his Quirk to increase his speed and won quicker than Bakugo did. "Nice Akio!" Ashido shouted. "How can you use fire under water?!" Sero asked. "If you think that water is a weakness for my Quirk than you're an idiot." Akio said shaking some water out of his hair.

The last ones was Deku, Iida, Ojiro and Shoji. Deku and Iida was neck and neck but Deku was faster and in the end won his race.

"Okay everyone it's time for the final race. Bakugo, Todoroki, Midoriya, Akio. You were the winners in each race so you four will be competing for first place." Iida said. "Got it." Deku said. "Yes." Todoroki said. "Whatever." Akio said. "You three better give me everything you got. Fight to win!" Bakugo said.

Akio, Todoroki, Bakugo and Deku stood in front of the pool ready to swim. "The 50 meter freestyle final race will now commence!" Iida said as everyone started cheering. "Blow them away Bakugo!" Kirishima said. "Don't kill the other swimmers!" Kaminari added. "You got this Todoroki!" Sero shouted.

"You can do it Deku!" Uraraka shouted. "You got this Akio!" Yaoyorozu shouted. "Yeah show them who's boss!" Ashido added.

The four of them bent down in ready position.

'A single blast is all it'll take.' Bakugo thought.

'I'll slide past them.' Todoroki thought.

'I can win this with One For All.' Deku thought.

'Can't believe I'm doing this with my Quirk. Oh well. I'll win this thing.' Akio thought.

"On your marks, get said, Go!" Iida shouted as the four of them jumped in the air.

But nothing happened as they fell in the water. "It's 5pm." Aizawa said walking to them as his eyes were red and his hair was standing up straight. "Your authorized pool time is over. Hurry up and go home." He said. "Ah come on! It was just getting good!" Kaminari said. "Are you questioning me?" Aizawa said with a glare. "Not at all Mr. Aizawa!" The students said.

Soon everyone changed back into their regular clothes and left the school. Most of them had fun while others were disappointed because of a anticlimactic ending.

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