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With her white cloak and long snowy hair cascading behind her, Sophia walked the tunnels under the village to the Stronghold where her precious Lycans resided. The creatures recognized her scent long before they even saw her. As she approached, she could hear them rallying together, preparing for her arrival.

When she ascended the steps, she was greeted by howls and snarls, but today she had no time to greet them back. Her head was clouded with thoughts, and she worried her biggest fears may be coming true. The Lycans cleared her a path as she stormed past them in a rush. She waved her hand in the air and shouted, "Call the Lords! Mother Miranda commands it..."

They wasted no time. One howled, then the rest followed in unison. With haste, they fled to the mountaintops and their cries reached out to even the farthest corner of the village. Before long, five Lords and their leader would sit in a crumbling church discussing the existence of a mutant child. A child that could be the vessel Miranda has been searching for all these years. After countless of innocent people fell victim to her many experiments – including Sophia and all the other Lords.

They were normal people once with normal lives until they were dragged away against their will. Alcina was the eldest. Sophia forgets all the dates exactly, but she believes it was sometime during the 1920s. Her three daughters followed her: Cassandra, Bela, and Daniela. They weren't her biological children, but she loved them as if they were. Those three girls were what gave Alcina her piece of humanity. She would kill anyone who hurt her daughters, including one of the Lords. Even Miranda. The mutation effected Alcina in a strange way. She grew to be nine feet tall, her skin was pale, but her beauty remained. Her strength was mighty, and her retracting claws were a wonderful addition, but a blood disease from her human life created the need for her to consume it to stay alive.

"You believe this child is the one?" Alcina asked after taking a long drag of her cigarette, the smoke casually exiting between her dark red lips.

"She's born from two mutants. There will be no limit to her power," Mother Miranda answers.

"How can we be so sure?" Sophia wondered, her nerves climbing into her chest.

Miranda didn't bother looking over her shoulder to stare Sophia down, all she needed was her icy voice to make Sophia's skin crawl. "You dare question me?"

Sophia's eyes dropped to her lap, and her voice grew small, "No, Mother Miranda."

Sophia came second in the early 1950s. Her Lord was to meet with Alcina for diplomatic reasons to only find out too late that it was a trap. Sophia watched her convoy, including her father, be eaten alive. She was left for last, but when Alcina truly looked at her, she brought her straight to Miranda. Sophia was only twenty-two. All she remembers is an immense amount of pain – like her body was being continuously set on fire. When she awakened a few days later, she was unrecognizable. Her skin and hair were as white as snow. Her lips a light shade of pink, and her eyes a deep red. Her "gift" if that's what you want to call it was valuable to Miranda especially once Sophia learned to properly use it. However, she was limited to how long. Her energy would diminish after a certain amount of time, and she required rest and food to get back to normal. It was wildly inconvenient even for Sophia.

An erratic high-pitched laugh left the wooden lips of Donna's idiotic doll, "Hehehe!" Donna was the "youngest" of the five Lords, being the most recently changed. It was in the late 90s if Sophia recalls correctly. She was a doll maker, hence the annoying little brat prancing around the room. Sophia had no issues with Donna, she was quiet – she's never spoken a word around Sophia. Angie speaks on behalf of the two of them.

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