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Chris watched over the woman twitching and wincing every few seconds on the floor. He'd since laid her on the floor; he didn't know if it made any kind of difference but, it made him feel better knowing she might have been a bit more comfortable. Even though she didn't look it; at all.

A soft yelp escaped between her slightly parted lips and his heart ached. He couldn't believe he went through with this. Surely there had to be another way to kill Miranda. There was always another way.

She told him not to wake him up and he promised he wouldn't, but that was when all he wanted was for Miranda to be dead. Now all he wanted was for his friend to be okay.

His hand went to her shoulder of her trembling body and he opened his mouth to say her name, but then she grew still and quiet, which made him nervous. Was this it? Did she do it? She was still breathing, that was a good sign. He watched the rise and fall of her chest like his life depended on it. Then behind him, the barrier that prevented him from seeing anything retracted away.

There was Miranda hovering in the air, her back to Ethan and Heisenberg on the floor. Still clearly alive.

Under Chris' hand, Sophia sucked in a sharp breath as she regained consciousness and he let out a relieved chuckle. She gasped for air, her eyes darting around wildly, likely out of confusion.

"Hey, hey...you're okay," he helped her sit up, one hand resting on her lower back and the other still on her shoulder. He gave her a few seconds before asking her a question, simply out of curiosity, "What happened?" 

She shook her head with a heavy exhaled, "Karl happened..." Her head fell between her shoulders and she chuckled, rubbing the center of her temple, "He has a way with words." There was pause and he could sense she was frustrated, "Chris, I'm sorry...I couldn't--I tried, but--"

"Don't," Chris dismissed her, "it's okay." He glanced over his shoulder checking to see if Miranda back to herself again, and sure enough, she was, "You didn't kill her, but you did piss her off."

Sophia took a quick look at the crazed B.O.W, not back to attacking the men below them, "I hate to break it to you, but she's always been like that."

The man stood up and lent the crimson eyed girl his hand so she could do the same, laughing at her joke, "Oh, well that's good to know." She placed her hand into his pressed up off the floor onto her feet, only to fall back down as soon as she shifted her weight.

Chris was there to catch her, "Woah." He lent her another hand for balance, and she gladly took it, "What's wrong? Are you hurt?"

She moved her head back and forth, "No...just drained." She lowered herself back down onto the floor carefully.

"That really takes a lot out of you, huh?" He asked as she pinched the bridge of her nose with her eyes clasped shut.

"More than it should," she admitted. Chris looked between Sophia and Miranda, trying to decide whether he should stay or help the other two. "Go," Sophia said, catching sight of his internal dilemma. He looked at her hesitantly, but she insisted, "I'll be okay. Go."

He nodded his head and made his way back to ledge where he could climb down, sending her a small smile which she returned as he disappeared.

Sophia pulled herself to the overlook so she could keep an eye on the boys. Chris and Ethan kept their distance, shooting Miranda from afar. Karl on the other hand like to get up close and personal with the witch, swing his hammer every with way, landing hits on her spider like legs. And when she'd fly up into the air, he would send pieces of shrapnel into her torso.

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