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None of it made sense to Sophia. Miranda liked to say how important and crucial she was to her, yet continuously treated her like nothing but dirt on her shoe. She liked to say that she didn't care about the other lords, yet the other lords never got locked in chains and tortured. She liked to say that besides her darling Eva, the whole fucking reason for all of this, she was her greatest creation, yet she never got one ounce of respect.

Sophia should have drawn the line a long, long time ago and like a couple other things this past week, she's realizing that way too late.

Now here she is, standing by the one person she truly despised the most, gazing at the one person she wanted nothing more than to be with. Her heart jumped just seeing him across from her, a mix of sadness and anger on his face. She desperately wished she could run up and wrap her arms around him, it killed her that she couldn't.

Miranda, who noted Heisenbergs reaction when he saw Sophia and could now see the two making eyes at one another, laughed, "Isn't that sweet..." Sophia tore away her gaze from the man once she realized the woman was watching them and dropped her head down slightly between her shoulders. Miranda gingerly placed her hand on the top of Sophia's head and glared at Heisenberg, "She did so well for so long...staying away from you. But now look what you've gone and done." The witch ground her teeth together and took a fistful of her white hair yanking her head back, showing off her injuries, "You made her weak."

Sophia whimpered at the sudden movement, her eyes glossing over as the ache spread throughout her head. It probably made it worse that she was resisting, which caused Miranda to tighten her grip. Sophia knew what game the woman was trying to play and she wasn't going to let him believe anything she said.

"Don't listen to her, Karl--"

She was barely getting his name out when her head was thrown forward, Miranda snapping at her, "Silence!"

All of sudden, the skies grew dark and winds rose out of nowhere, rain poured down onto them. Raven feathers emerged from the ground encircling both Sophia and Mia, concealing them from the two men. Karl watched the fear come over Sophias face as she disappeared.

He jumped forward, reaching his arm out to her, "Sophia!" But, he was cut off by a large tentacle shooting out of the ground in front of him.

He's sent backwards by the impact and rolls a couple of times, landing on his stomach. He clambers to his feet and Ethan rushes over to meet him. The two men watch the world change around them, completely surrounded by the black tentacles. 

With their backs to each other, they walked around themselves looking frantically for the woman. "Where'd she go?" Ethan shouted over his shoulder to Heisenberg. 

"I don't know," he growled in return. 

"What do you two think is going to happen? Hm?" Her voice came at them from every direction, like she was all around them, if that was even possible. "Do you think you're going to save the day?" 

"Do you see her?" Karl asked. 

"No!" The blonde responded. 

"Tell me...if a team of people created to take down bio-weapons such as myself couldn't kill me...how will you?" 

It was quiet for a moment and the pair stopped moving. Ethan had enough with hide and seek, they both had. But, Ethan was the only one dumb enough to taunt the woman, "Miranda, you coward! Come out and face us!" 

Out of nowhere, Ethan feels a searing pain spread throughout his chest and all of sudden it grew hard to breath. He choked on air and his head dipped between his shoulders to see the reason for the discomfort. 

Miranda's hand, right through his chest. How was this happening? 

Heisenberg turned around shocked himself. He had no clue Miranda was capable of something like that. Instinctively, he went to pry the woman's arm out of Ethan, but a tentacle went around his neck and lifted him off his feet into the air. 

Miranda started to form in front of Ethan, who continued to struggle having her hand around his heart, "Don't worry, Ethan. Your death will come quick. You will join the Megamy--" 

She froze; her eyes wide, mouth agape, her body went perfectly rigid. 

"What the fuck?" Ethan wondered, unsure of how much longer he could handle the pain and at this point sort of wishing he was dead. Then he noticed Miranda's yellow eyes started to change into a striking red; a red he knew to only come from one person. A couple seconds later she sucked in a large breath, her eyes blinking rapidly at the same time. The man looked at her with bewilderment and she shared a similar expression. Her gaze shifted down to her hand that was still through his chest, slowly releasing her grip and removing her arm.

Ethan fell onto his hands and knees, regulating his breathing while Miranda snapped her eyes to Heisenberg. She retracted the tentacle that choked him and he to fell onto the ground below him, but was quickly back onto his feet. 

As everything around the started to go back to normal, he darted to Miranda and stood directly in front of her. He stared at nothing but her eyes; he knew those eyes. He gently grabbed onto the sides of her face, "Sophia?" A relieved smile came over his face, "She did it.

However, Sophia didn't seem to share the same excitement. In fact, she seemed terrified. She shook her head profusely, "I don't know how..." She stumbled over her words, "I can't hold it...you--you..." 

"What, Soph?" He pressured. 

Fear settled in her eyes, "You need to kill her." 

His brows knitted together and his head went back and forth, "Fuck no! Sophia, if she dies, you die! I can't!" 

"You have to!" She argued back, "I can't hold her for much longer, Karl! You need to do it now!" Tears started to form in her eyes as she begged, "End this." 

"I said we'd get out of here together! I'm not leaving without you! I won't!"

The switch was instant. The red melted away and the yellow returned. Heisenberg stumbled backward once he realized that Sophia was no longer controlling Miranda. He turned his head to see both woman safe and Miranda did the same, her gaze locking strictly onto an exhausted Sophia. 

As his head returned forward, Karl noticed something in Mirandas eye that he'd never seen her express before as she looked at the young woman on the ground; fear. 

She was scared of Sophia. 

Miranda wasn't going to wait around any longer and since all their guards were down, she took her chance. She whipped around and took ahold of the chalice containing Rose. 

Time felt like it slowed down as all four of them turned their attention to the witch, Ethan being the first to react and they all followed after. Yes, even Mia. 

But they were too slow, they're always too damn slow. 

A/N: Alright, guys. I really hope this makes sense. There's a lot going on and I'm sorry that it's jumping between so many of their POVs. Again, a lot going on. Incase anyone is confused, I'll clear something up right now, however I'm going to go deeper into next chapter. Sophia is able to control her hosts, but it's only for a short amount of time as it wears her out even quicker. You'll get more info in the next one. But on a happy note, Sophia and Heisenberg are back together!  

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