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3rd Person

Sofia was the first daughter born into the Marchetti family in decades. Luciano and Andrea knew that from the moment she was born that she was special and was to be protected no matter what.

The Marchetti boys also felt a strong urge to protect their newborn sister. They understood why their lives were dangerous and had learnt how to deal with it. But they had sworn to each other that they would never let their sister be indulged in the crimes and drama of what they lived through.


"Quick Luciano! You take the boys with you, and I will go with Sofia. We dont have much time!" Andrea was shrieking orders as she buckled her daughter into her seat.

"Don't worry my love, they will not catch us. I promise we will meet again soon." Luciano comforted his distressed wife before caressing his daughter for the last time. Even though Luciano felt like he knew something bad was going to happen he pushed these thoughts aside because he knew fear could cost him many lives.

The two parents parted and started going their separate ways. Sofia could sense her mother's fear, and this caused her to start crying. Andrea was put under more pressure as she wanted nothing more than to tend to her child.

Suddenly gunshots were being aimed at their car. Andrea hurriedly reached under her seat for her own gun before putting the car on auto drive mode. Andrea was no killer; she had even sworn to herself that she would never use a gun again. But she knew protecting her family was her top priority. This was the only way she was taught to live.

Rolling down her windows she began aiming at the other cars. She tried to aim for the tyres of the cars but with years of no practice, it wasn't going too well. A bullet abruptly whizzed through the air leaving a small gash above her cheek. At this point Andrea knew that their plan was failing. Everything was falling and coming to an end.

Andrea rolled her windows back up and began driving again. She did not care that she was breaking the speed limit. She grabbed her phone and began dialing in her husband's number.

"Luciano, we wont make it. There is just too many of them. I'm so sorry-" Andrea began explaining but was interrupted by Luciano.

"No, don't think like that. Tell me where you are. We will-"

"Shh Luciano. Don't try and stop fate. I will try my best to get out of this mess. But just remember I love you always and fore-"

Andrea was cut off as a bullet was shot straight at her.

The last thing Sofia saw were her mother's lifeless eyes staring at her.


After Andrea's unfortunate death they found out Sofia was luckily left unharmed.

Luciano was left heartbroken and angered. Luciano slowly started releasing his anger on his daughter.

It started with rude hurtful words and shouting. But when Lorenzo, the eldest Marchetti son witnessed his own father slapping his dear sister he was outraged. He understood why his father was angry, but he never thought that he would hurt his own children.

Luciano's children confronted him. He realized his wifes death was affecting him more than he thought.

Luciano decided to give Sofia to his old friend Maria for a few weeks. He thought this made him a good father. He sent money every week to cover all funds and costs.

But weeks turned to months and months to years.

By the time Sofia was five, Maria died of a heart-attack. Maria's son Dante, decided to take Sofia in his care as he knew he would receive lots of money.

Acting out of anger is what got Luciano killed.

And it wasn't till a few years after Luciano's death that the Marchetti sons decided to retrieve their sister.

Their Little SaviourTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon