Chapter 14

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After Nazaire showed me my room last night, I fell asleep within 5 minutes.

I couldn't believe any of it. My bedroom was HUGE.  I had woken up pretty early so I decided to look around my room a bit more. I was even more shocked when I found out there was a balcony, a walk-in wardrobe, and a bathroom. How did my brothers afford all this? Imagine if I actually grew up here.

I unpacked my bag and took a quick hot shower. The house was huge and I didn't want to go exploring by myself, too many things could go wrong like:

Crashing into one of my mean brothers

Getting lost

And crashing into one of my mean brothers.

Maybe I was over-exaggerating but Phoenix, Xander, Alessandro and Emiliano are scary as hell. I know when I first met Emiliano he seemed fine. But after a while something about his didn't sit right with me. He is like real buff and covered in tattoos. I don't know though, they both seem like normal like normal things, but I feel like it makes him look even more intimidating than the others.

Nazaire told me they just need to get used to having a sister again, but even he sounded unsure of himself.

I was putting on my socks when someone knocked on the door and walked straight in.


"You know if you walk straight in it just defeats the point of you knocking."

"Good morning sis" Nazaire said ignoring my comment.

"Are you ready for breakfast?"

"Uhmm I guess so."

"Perfect! You can make some waffles because Lorenzo gave the chef a week off."

"Oh. Yeah I guess that's fine....."

"Great! Let's go to the kitchen."

Wow. Definitely not what I was expected to be doing here on my first day.

I followed Nazaire through some hallways and down the stairs until we finally made it to the kitchen. It was so modern, like something you would see in a magazine. It was my dream to have a kitchen like this. There were so many cupboards and cabinets. There was even a walk-in fridge and pantry. Their spices and herbs were ordered in alphabetical order! Like what?! So perfect!

I asked Nazaire to place out the ingredients and equipment as I had no idea where all the stuff was.

As I started cracking some eggs into a bowl I decided to make some small talk with Nazaire.

"So where are your brothers?"

"Hmmmm, well Lorenzo, Elijah and Emiliano are at work and the twins and Alessandro are at school. And I think Matteo is at the gym maybe, I'm not too sure."

"Why aren't you at school?"

"Oh well Lorenzo and I made a deal that if I got an A+ on my last test I could stay at home for the week and help you get settled in."

"Oh, that's really kind of you. Thanks I guess."

"No problem sis. It's a win win situation for me."

I continued to make the waffles while Nazaire did his maths homework. Even if my other brothers weren't as nice it made me happy to know that Nazaire would stick up for me. I just hope he wouldn't get disappointed by me any time soon.


"Seriously Sofia how were you able to make these taste so good!" Mumbled Nazaire with his mouth full of food.

"Secret ingredient." I replied. I mean I wasn't lying, there were a few little unnecessary things I added but if Nazaire liked them then I must have done a good job.

Dante never complimented my food. He always told me that my food tasted like crap. The waffles are now the only thing I was confident in making.

I had only managed to eat 2 waffles I have no idea how Nazaire ate 6! If I ate 6 I wouldn't be eating for the rest of the week.

When I finished washing the dishes Nazaire got up from his seat and began showing me around the house. It was like a literal maze, there was no way I wasn't going to get lost. There were 3 floors in the house and every room was decorated in its own way. They even had a cinema room and game room.

"So yeah, this is the music room. None of us really play any instruments, I mean we can all play simple piano and I know some guitar but that's it I think."

"Then why do you guys have so many instruments here?"

"Well, our parents all wanted us to play as much as we could but that obviously failed, and our mother was also part of an orchestra when she was younger."

"Oh.... I didn't know."

"Yeah, not many people do. So, do you play anything."

"Oh no I don't." I lied. I didn't want them knowing. It was something I kept to myself.

I noticed the black grand piano sitting in the middle of the room. My fingers itched to touch the keys, but I held in my urge to do so.

Nazaire mentioned the room was soundproof so no one would be able to hear anything from the outside. This was even better. I could basically come here anytime I wanted; the only problem was that I probably wouldn't be able to find it by myself.

We finished the tour in the gardens and by that time the other boys were already home from school. Nazaire wanted to teach me how to play basketball, but with my injuries he said it was best not to.

After strolling around the house, we finally went inside. Everything was just too surreal. I couldn't believe that I was actually here.

The silence and peace was broken when we heard a load of commotion coming from the kitchen.

Hey guys hope you are still enjoying my story!

I have some bad news for you...
Im thinking of taking a break soon but I'm not too sure when. It will only be for a week or two at the most. I hope you guys understand. : )

Feel free to comment or ask questions.

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