Chapter 28

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I sat beside Lorenzo in his office, the boys in front of us. The silence was deafening and the tension in the room was unbreakable. Lorenzo's eyes were shooting daggers at all of us. When all my brothers were standing in a line like this, I could really tell who shared similar features.

Only Alessandro, Nazaire and Sofia inherited our mothers green eyes. They also shared the same dark chocolate brown hair. The rest us had brown kind of hazel eyes but for some reason Lorenzo's, Emiliano's and Xander's eyes quite literally had the ability to turn black. It's freaky as fuck but kind of cool. We all had some kind of shade of brown hair expect for Emiliano and Alessandro who had pitch black hair. They were all just standing there kind of emotionless. Nazaire was clearly freaked out. I could see a layer of sweat forming on his forehead.

"What was the main thing our father and mother used to tell us all time the time?" asked Lorenzo finally breaking the silence.

The boys stayed didn't respond.

"Answer!" he growled.

"Family comes first." Nazaire squeaked, almost like a mouse, keeping his head down. Even though Nazaire had spent the most time with Sofia he still felt like everything was his fault.

"Correct. Now the rest of you, firstly, tell me why your youngest brother is answering for you?" he asked again, but more aggravated.


"Nazaire you can leave, go talk to your sister."

"But she doesn't want to speak to me." Nazaire mumbled.

"Just apologise and make up. The longer you allow her to be angry at you the more she will despise you." He explained.

Nazaire looked down guiltily. I could tell he still felt bad about what he did. I tried to explain to him that telling us was the right thing to do but with everyday Sofia continues to not speak with him he puts himself down.

Nazaire slowly turned around and left the room (to go find Sofia I assumed).

Lorenzo focused his glare back on to the boys.

"I know you know the most important rule in our family and yet you still continue to make Sofia feel unwelcomed. Ever since our parents died I've been working my ass of to keep this family together but you are still trying to create some kind of wall to separate it." Lorenzo sighed. I felt bad for him. He just didn't know what to do anymore. I know if I was him I would-

"Now tell me what the fuck did you tell Sofia" he suddenly shouted.

The boys jumped at his sudden outburst.

"What do you mean? We didn't say shit to her. I don't even talk to her." Challenged Xander.

"Yeah, I barely am even near her-"

"Elijah tell them what she told you. Maybe it will freshen up their minds. Because if we don't figure it out by the end of the hour there will be severe consequences." Lorenzo ordered, cutting Phoenix off.

"Apparently she feels like there are people who don't want her here......" I muttered.

"I......- It might be my fault." Emiliano spoke up hesitantly after a few passing moments.

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