Chapter 10

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All I remember was being in the park. Then my brothers started trying to help me. They were trying to get a hold of me. But I wasn't going to let them, I wouldn't let them hurt me like that drunker man.

I tried to get away but clumsy me fell and after that everything became a blur. Now I am here. Actually, I don't know where I am because everything is black and all I can hear is loud muffled noises.

I tried to open my eyes, but it was like they were glued shut. Ugh this is so annoying. I decided to relax again before trying to open them more. As soon as I opened them I was welcomed into a really bright room. It took me a few seconds to regain my vision.

I heard a noise beside me.

I tried to sense where the voice was coming from. When I figured out, I looked over to see a figure sitting near me. I blinked a few times before realizing it was Nazaire. Why is he here? Are his brothers the ones creating the noise?

Before I could look anywhere else, I was engulfed in a bone crushing hug. I started wincing as I could feel pressure being placed at my ribs. As soon as Nazaire heard me, he let go and started talking.

Everything was muffled and I couldn't figure out what was being said.

Suddenly 3 more figures moved closer to me and I was engulfed in another hug. As soon as the person let go I realized it was Elijah. I looked at the two other people but I didn't know who they were.

All of them started speaking. But why couldn't I hear them. I could only make out a few words like 'okay' 'food' 'scared' and some other things. What was wrong with me? Wait! Am I in hospital? Shit! Dante is going to be so mad at me! Did my brothers see my ribs? Would they report it ?

My breathing started to quicken and I started to cry as anxiety and panic took over me. I heard my name being shouted but I couldn't concentrate on it. Everything was just spinning and I was worried about what was going to happen. I started trashing and tried to get up.

One of the people came up to me and grabbed my shoulders. They had the same green eyes as me. I looked straight into them. Everything else went away as I continued to stare at the persons eyes.

"That's it Sofia. There is no need to cry. Just focus on me and take deep breaths." the man ushered

I started taking big breaths of air through my nose and out of my mouth. I slowly closed my eyes and opened them again to see the man still in front of me. If I had known any better I would have ran away and scream but something about him was calming. I started looking at him better.

He had a sharp jawline, dark lines under his eyes that pointed out evident lack of sleep, dark hair and a small scar near his eyebrow. Who was this man?

Before I could ask a nurse pushed him aside and started doing some tests.

I tried to speak but all that came out was a strangled kind of wheeze. The nurse heard and hurriedly got some water.

I started chugging down the cup as soon as I had it in my hands.

"Woah Sofia. Slow down, you don't want to make yourself sick." Warned Elijah.

I kept on drinking but at a much slower pace. I hate getting sick. The water relieved the soreness in my throat I hadn't realized was there.

God what happened? I barely knew why I was there. As soon as the nurse left Elijah came up to me.

"Sorry for scaring you Sof."

"Who are they?" I asked in a croaky voice.

"Do you not remember Lorenzo?"

I shook my head. Was that the man with the green eyes?

"He was at the park when you......"


Well, I definitely don't know which one he was talking about.

"Ok well this is Emiliano" he said pointing to a man who was smiling at me.

"And that is Lorenzo." He said pointing to the green-eyed man.

"Why a-am I here?"

"Sofia....... We could ask you the same question. All we know is that you have a few cuts and bruises and broken ribs. Why didn't you say anything? Did Dante do it? Because I swear if he did-"

"No No. It wasn't him."

"Okay then, what did happen?"

I remained silent as the memories of the previous night rolled through my head.

Elijah took my silence as a sign that I didn't want to talk about it. He left the room with a disappointed look and then went to talk to the doctor.

Lorenzo moved towards my bed and sat down at the end of it. He studied my face for a few minutes before speaking.

"I remember coming to visit you in this hospital when you were born. You were so small and everyone adored you. I never thought that our next meeting would be in the same hospital."

He was there when I was a baby? Why did he let me get given away?

"You must be very confused and have a lot of questions, but for now just forget about them. Because I can assure you that the next few days will be ver busy"

He looked straight into my eyes before getting up and leaving. Now there were two left, Emiliano who I was yet to meet and Nazaire.

I looked over to see that Nazaire was still sitting at the side of my bed. He was staring at me intently, waiting for me to speak.


"W-why didn't you tell me?" he cried.

"I-I I didn't tell anyone"


"I didn't want anyone to worry."

"Sofia you are a part of our family. We are meant to be here for you. Lorenzo said we are not allowed ask you questions now, but you will have to tell us eventually."

"I'm s-sorry." I guess not telling anyone about my injury had just made matters worse.

"Will you ever be able to forgive me?" I said so quietly that I thought no one would be able to hear. But of course Nazaire did.

"Don't be silly Sofia, I could never stay angry at you." He muttered as he hugged me.

We stayed like that for a few minutes until we heard a cough behind me.

"Oh I almost forgot about you Emiliano. Here, come show yourself."

Another man who looked a bit younger than Elijah smiled at me. He had a sleeve of tattoos and was pretty muscular and buff. He looked a little scary.

"Hi I'm Emiliano."

"Nice to meet you" I replied.

"Okay now that introductions are done, I can hug you again." I was startled when I found Nazaire clinging on to me again.

"You can't believe how much we missed you sorellina."

Another update!!
Hope you guys are having a good Easter break so far!
Will the boys be able to figure out what really happened?

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