Chapter 26

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It wasn't my first time meeting Maya, and it certainly wouldn't be my last. She had previously told me that she would be visiting Sofia regularly.

I worked in my office until the two girls were finished talking. As soon as Maya left the living room I invited her into my office to talk about Sofia.

"So, how was she?"

"Ahh, straight down to business I see." Maya stifled a small laugh.

Was that the wrong thing to say? I'm confused.

"Anyway I think that it is okay for Sofia to continue staying here, the conditions of the home exceed expectations, but there are a few problems......"

"Anything that needs to be purchased can be done so straight away, it won't be a problem" I assured her.

"It's not really what I mean......"

"Oh...... then what is it?"

"Obviously it's a big change for Sofia, especially since you are her real family. The problem is that I think everyone is having trouble bonding emotionally. A stable house only covers a portion of a child's needs. Sofia needs to feel welcomed, loved and like this is the perfect place for her. I assure you that I know it is also a big change for the boys too. At the moment she is feeling sort of ditached from you all. I cannot share too many details as our conversations obviously stay between Sofia and I. How often do you talk to Sofia?"

"Well I talk to her a few times a day but the boys are constantly talking with her."

"No no, that's not what I mean. I mean how often do you actually talk to her. Like ask her how she is feeling in this home, what things she's experiencing and how she is getting on in life. I know you told me you want to find some way to put Dante in jail for longer but we can't do that if Sofia doesn't trust you enough to tell you everything."

I was a bit shocked to say the least. I hadn't really thought about it. I thought taking Sofia in would be enough for her to feel safe and happy in our family. I had no idea how to fix this...

"Do you have any suggestions on what I can do ?"I asked

"Of course! Firstly obviously talk more. One of my favourite recommendations is organising some kind of family activities, games, setting specific bonding time with each sibling or maybe even family therapy."

"I see... thank you very much."

"I also have a question of my own if you don't mind...?"

"Go ahead?"

"Do you have any older female relatives or close friends that might be able to talk to Sofia, I also feel that it is important she does not miss out of anything. She needs someone that she can relate to and talk to if necessary."

"Yes we plan to introduce her to some cousins and other relatives next week."

"Excellent! Well if that's all I should probably start heading hom-"

"Wait..... I was wondering if you would maybe like to go out with me sometime. I know it's inappropriate considering that you are Sofia's social worker but......"

Maya paused for a bit, still looking down at her notepad. Her long dark brown hair covered her face so I could not she how she reacted to my question. She finally looked up and I could see she looked a little taken aback but quickly gave me a warm smile before answering.

"I'll think about it."

I don't know where I got the sudden urge to ask Maya out but something about her was different. I had met many women in my life and none of them stood out like her..........

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