Chapter 4

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Piya was now awake and she was staring at Kavya in shock....and even Kavya was just so confused while Isha & Gia circled the twins inspecting them both closely.

"Whats your name?" Kavya asked.

"P-Piya S..S..Singh O..O-Oberoi."

"My name is Kavya. Kavya Trivedi." Kavya replied then she moved away as Gia leaned over her.

"Wow yaar! I've heard of look-alikes but this is!" Gia said as she poked Piya's cheek.

"I know! Its like straight out of a movie!" Isha agreed, her face about an inch away from Kavya's. "Woah! Those eyes! Piya look, they're  just like-"

"Okay!" Kavya pushed Isha away. "Enough! Guys...does somebody have an explaination? Cause I have no clue whats going do you look just like me?"

"" Piya stammered.

"She's in shock." Isha stated.

"So am I...but seriously....what the f-"

"Kavya.." Gia gave her a look.

"Fudge...what the fudge is going on here?" Kavya said. 

"Maybe you guys are long lost twins!" Isha exclaimed.

"Yeah and you got separated at like a carnival or something!" Gia added. The two girls looked at eachother and high-fived at their brilliant conclusion.

"Or...maybe you two are the long lost sisters." Kavya replied, "You seem to have the same type of thoughts!"

"But....what if they're right?" Piya whispered.

"What? Seriously? I never lost any sister at a carnival and I think I would know if I had!" 

"No look like Papa."

"Well I look like you and you prob look like your Papa so-" 

"No...your eyes, they are exactly like my Papa's! And my eyes are like my Mumma's." Piya said. 

"Wha-my eyes are like your Papa's?" Kavya asked.

"Haan...khanji...Maasi said Ma used to call Papa's eyes khanji and that they are unique but you have them!"

Kavya & Gia stared at Piya in shock as she said a word they only ever heard Anika say. 


An 8 year old Kavya is frowning and looking in the mirror when Anika walks up to her.

"What happened Kavu?"

"Mumma why are my eyes so different? Why arent they like yours?" Kavya asked.

"They are khanji and unique...just like your Papa."

"Like my Papa?" Kavya asked happily.

"Haan..your eyes are exact replicas of your Papa's. So never feel sad okay?" Anika replied."


*Flashback Ends*

"And....your Mom?" Kavya asked.

"She died....when I was born." Piya replied sadly.

"Kavu..your Papa died when you were born." 

" know what she looks like?"

"Haan...I have a picture of her in my room. Maasi and everyone always tells me about her."

𝘑𝘶𝘥𝘸𝘢𝘢 (𝘐𝘴𝘩𝘲𝘣𝘢𝘢𝘻 𝘍𝘍)Where stories live. Discover now