Chapter 9

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Currently Piya, Kavya, Sahil & Gauri were sitting in a cafe. Gauri told everyone what had happened and why Anika was kicked out years ago. After all that, Sahil looked at Gauri emotionally.

"Are you mad at me? I know you and Di must be upset that I didnt support Di that time but trust me I had my reasons. I never once thought Di was responsible for Ansh's death I-" Gauri explained to Sahil.

"Gauri Di! Relax" Sahil told Gauri. "Im not mad at you. Not at all."

"You're not?" 

"No...of course not. I knew you could never do something like that to Di. I always knew you had some reason." Sahil explained.

"In that case....Im mad at you!" Gauri glared. 

"What? What did I do?" Sahil looked surpised and looked to Piya & Kavya for help but they just shrugged.

"You were in the same city all this time, you werent even angry with me and yet you didnt think to meet your Gauri Di even once? You didnt miss me?"


"Chup! Just shut up...I dont want to hear anything!" Gauri scolded and looked away. Sahil cutely  pulled his chair so its next to her and hugged her from the side.

"Im sorry Gauri Di...I did miss you alot...par-"

"Di...right?" Gauri completed. Sahil nodded sadly. "She must hate me hai na?"

"No Di....Anika Di can never hate you, she is just hurt. Its not like she knows the truth.....maybe we should tell her?"

"Not yet Mamu...." Kavya spoke up. "Papa did all this to protect Ma and I think its better to keep Ma away from all this. At least until we can do something about Nidhi the witch."

"But if she is as dangerous as you say, its not safe for you either na?" Sahil said.

"Relax Mamu, dont you know me?" Kavya smirked. "Nidhi may be dangerous but she has no clue about the switch and she doesnt know how to deal with me....thats our biggest advantage."

"But..." Piya said. "We still have a problem."

"Kya?" Sahil asked.

"What do we do about the engagement?" 

"Engagement with who?" Sahil asked.

"Arre Haan! I didnt even think of that!" Gauri exclaimed.

"Think of what? Who is getting engaged?" Sahil asked again.

"I was supposed to....but now Kavya might have to." Piya replied. Sahil just looked confused.


"Ill tell you later Mamu but anyways about the engagement....I have a solution." Kavya said.

"What solution?" Piya & Gauri asked. Kavya smiled and held out her hand which was wrapped in a cast.

"Ohmygod!" Piya gasped in concern.

"Hay did this happen?" Gauri asked while Sahil sat  silently with a knowing smile.

"I fell down the stairs and fractured my arm..." Kavya sighed dramatically. 

"Kya!" Gauri & Piya looked horrified. Kavya just burst out laughing.

"Look at your faces!" Kavya laughed. "Im fine! This cast is fake! Im just gonna use this as an excuse...if my hand is broken then I cant put on a ring and if I cant put on the ring then how can I get engaged?"

Piya & Gauri sat staring at Kavya as if she was crazy. Sahil bent towards Gauri and whispered. "Good luck with her....she is a handful."

"I heard that Mamu!" Kavya narrowed her eyes at Sahil who just grinned sheepishly. 

Next Day

" did this happen?" Shivaay looked at his daughter's arm concerned. "Did Nidhi..."

"No Papa...I...I just fell down the stairs. Hai na Maasi?" Kavya looked to Gauri for support.

"Haan Jiju...her hand is fractured but the doctor said she will get better in a month or so.....I think we should postpone the engagement." Gauri replied. 

"You're right...Ill talk to deep." Shivaay replied.

"I told you it would work Maasi." Kavya winked at Gauri before leaving.

"What was that about?" Om asked his wife.

"What do you mean?" 

"You and Piya just had a look exchange....what was that about?" 

"Omkaraji, you are seeing things now....tsk tsk tsk. What can I do, thats what happens when you get old."

"Gauri don't....wait, old? Who's old?"

"You are." Gauri laughed.

"Oh pls....people think Im Yug's brother." Om replied.

"Who? Blind people?" Gauri asked.


Gauri giggled and left Om standing there.

" do realize Mom just distracted you from your question right?" Yug told Om.


Kavya sat on the couch watching a movie with Manav & Shaurya when a lady grabbed her hair from behind and pulled her up.

"Aah!" Kavya screamed in pain.

"Di!" Manav & Shaurya got up to help her but froze when they saw who it was.

"How...Dare...You...You little brat!" The woman yelled. Kavya turned and saw a woman who exactly like an older version of Nidhi. Behind her stood Nidhi with a smirk on her face.

"This must be Kadambari, Nidhi's mom." Kavya thought to herself.

"Gotten brave have you? You dare hit my daughter? You dare go against Nidhi? Wait...Ill teach you." Kadambari shoved Kavya to the floor and went to get something.

"Di...are you okay?" Manav asked.

"Ill go get Bade Papa!" Shaurya got up.

"No wait..." Kavya whispered something in Shaurya's ear and then he went upstairs. Kadambari then came back with a wooden stick. Manav spread his arms over Kavya to protect her.

"No pls...dont!" Manav begged.

"Move....or else Ill break your bones too." Kadambari sneered. Manav shook his head and stayed near Kavya.

"Manav move." Kavya tried pushing Manav away.

"No Di, I wont go anywhere."

"Fine then..." Kadambari started hitting Manav with the stick.

"Aah!" Manav yelled in pain but still wouldnt move. Seeing her brother in pain, Kavya grabbed the stick as it was about to hit him again.

"That was not a good idea." Kavya said.

"Oh yeah? And why is that?" Nidhi spoke up.

"Because, your mother just ruined her reputation. I dont know about you but most people wouldnt vote for an abusive woman like her." Kavya replied.

"What?" Kadambari asked.

"Oh Shaurya!" Kavya called out. Shaurya then came down with his phone in his hand. "You got all of that right?"

"Yep....streaming live, right now there are more than 2 million viewers." Shaurya replied. Nidhi looked at her mom in shock.

"L...L..L..Li..Li..Live?" Kadambari stammered.

"Yep." Kavya smirked and then gave Shaurya a nod. He then turned the live off. "This was just a day, ill ruin your career just like your if I were you, Id stay far awy from this house."

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