11 | I Told You

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Fucking Valentina Rose Rossi, I can't believe she threw me under the bus like that

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Fucking Valentina Rose Rossi, I can't believe she threw me under the bus like that. I don't have a girlfriend, so why the fuck would she say that. All I can say is, at least they believed it, the truth is we were at the race because we wanted to get arrested on purpose so the police would search for her blood relatives. It would look a bit suss if we knocked on her dad's front door.

Oh hey, I know I've been missing for years but thought I'd come home... Yeah, no. Not likely.

I hiss in pain when Valentina's hold on my wrists tightens. I smack her hand away from my wrist and flick her forehead.

"That hurt Val" I grumble, agitated.

"Oh don't be a big baby." She hisses at me, narrowing her eyes into slits.

We finally arrive at the kitchen, we find Maria, the Rossi's chef. Val walks up to her, letting her know she can have the day off today, Maria hesitates but Val only keeps reassuring her it's okay. I don't blame Maria for hesitating, these men and boys are scary dudes. Messiah puts a hand on Val's shoulder, I watch her tense under his touch. She peers over her shoulder and glares at him, he only shakes his head.

"Maria, please take the day off. I would like to cook breakfast for my family if that's okay. Messiah here will escort you out, won't you Messiah?" She mocks.

Messiah simply bows his head and leads the way to escort Maria out, she leaves but not before thanking Val.

"Alright sweet cheeks, let's start cooking!" She gushes.

I roll my eyes and scoff under my breath, I can't cook for shit, I'll just be on the stool near the counter and watch. I watch as just glides around the kitchen looking for cooking utensils, ingredients, and whatever else she needs.

In the corner of my eye, I notice Messiah back in the kitchen, near the entrance but in the corner out of the way. Figures her dad would assign him as Val's bodyguard, we both did some research on everyone that works here, Val hacked into every database that exists to find any and every information on each person who walks through that front door.

We wanted to make sure we knew what we were walking into. Val found a couple of moles or spies, one of those being Vadim, she said she was going to rat them out but discreetly with Vadim being the exception. We need him to think he hasn't been made yet, we're going to play stupid and act like we don't even know who he is.

I hope to god, Val's plan works.

Watching Val do her thing in the kitchen, I don't even realize she's turned on the music. I can hear her summertime jam, 'Doin' Time by Lana Del Rey'. She's humming and singing along, my eyebrows shoot up to my hairline, fuck, I didn't know she could sing.

A/N — The song is listed at the top. Press play if you'd like to listen to it.

She keeps singing the song, swaying her hips a bit in deep concentration, making sure not to burn any pancakes. I think she's honestly forgotten that I'm in the room with her.

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