52 | Chance

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I'm still trying to get over my shock of Messiah speaking, I didn't realize he was a selective mute I thought he was just mute

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I'm still trying to get over my shock of Messiah speaking, I didn't realize he was a selective mute I thought he was just mute. I was so wrong about that.

I'm also shocked that he agreed to try a polyamory relationship, which reminds me I fucking made the mistake of wording it wrong to her and she's probably confused.

I do like Valentina, not just because she's beautiful and there's sexual tension there but I love her personality and the way she carries herself, and how she treats others.

The way she interacts with her baby cousins and her baby brother also tugs at my heart. It makes me like her more than I already do.

I'm worried that she doesn't even want to try this, I just want a chance with her that's all I'm asking but I could tell something was going on between them, at least on Messiah's part.

The way he looked at her in complete awe and adoration was obvious, how her family hasn't picked up on it, I don't even know.

I just want to take her out on a date and see where we go from there, I don't necessarily want to share her with someone else but I'm willing to just to have that chance.

With everything going on right now, maybe it isn't the time to be bringing this up, but I can't deny my feelings anymore.

I know her brothers will hate the absolute shit out of me for even thinking about Val like that but they're the ones who always harass me about finding a girl. It just so happens to be their sister, surely they'd understand.

Because I feel like Valentina is the girl for me, to bring me out of my shell, to make me happy once again. I know I'd be able to make her happy as well.

I only have the best intentions, I'd never do anything she didn't want to do or didn't feel comfortable with. If she didn't want to try anything with me then I'd understand completely.

I would never be mad or upset with her if she'd just want to be with Messiah, I can see the connection they have. I just want the chance at the same connection too, she is too special to let just walk away without a fight.

I would love to have the blessing of her family, I know for a fact my father would be happy to have her be a part of our family. He adores her just as if she was a daughter of his.

Would he approve of a polyamory relationship? Probably not. Not many people do or understand what that is.

When Messiah agreed, I felt hope inside. Hope that she could give me a chance of proving myself to her, hope that she can see who I am and that I'd do anything for her and that I'd love her the way she should be.

She honestly doesn't even have to give us an answer right, I just want her to process and think about it. I would never want to pressure her into a decision, she can take all the time she needs, I'd wait happily.

I've never met someone like her before, it was just this instant attraction and fascination. I'm not the type of person who wears their heart on their sleeves, I usually keep my feelings to myself but with her it's different.

I want her to know I like her, I want her to know I want to try, I want her to know she's worth it, I want her to know that we're worth it.

I know we haven't spent time together but that's why I want to try this, it could blossom into something amazing between us.

Of course, I could be wrong about this whole situation and she doesn't even feel remote what I feel for her. I know she said she likes me too, but that could be because she's confused since she always flirts with me.

Or she could be saying all this to spare my feelings in this situation, she could even feel guilty. I don't want her to feel any of this, it was never my intention. I just want her to be open and honest with me like I am with her.

I am worried I might have fucked this up by pulling her aside to suggest 'sharing' as I fucking stupidly worded it, it makes me sound like a man whore.

I am not a man whore, and I don't ever want her to think of me like that. I've only ever had one girlfriend and that was a long-term one, she was the only girl I've ever slept with.

I am a loyal person, I just hope she sees that and not a boy who is a fuck boy because of who I associate myself with, that being her brothers.

Deep down I know she has enough love for both Messiah and me, but that's up to her. It's all up to her, the decision is hers.

If she doesn't want to go through with it, that's fine. I don't want anything to be awkward between us, I'd always have feelings for her and I'd still always protect her.

She is one person who I wouldn't want to lose in my life. If we end up just being friends or even best friends, in the end, that to me is better than not having her in my life.

Standing here now looking between Valentina and Messiah, I have no clue how either of them is feeling or what they're thinking about.

Valentina hasn't even spoken a word yet, she's just staring at her baby cousins and baby brother frowning.

Messiah is looking at her, waiting for her to at least say something, whilst I'm doing the same. I'm so nervous, anything could happen right now.

She could hate both of us right now, she could be upset with both of us. Or she could be just in complete shock. I'm hoping it's just shocking and she doesn't know what to say.

Please, Valentina... Say something... Anything...

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