66 | Soap Opera

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It has been a whole month since Nate was shot, he made a full recovery for which we were all grateful

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It has been a whole month since Nate was shot, he made a full recovery for which we were all grateful. Nate and Andrè have been spending a lot of time together, mainly trying to help Val find Viktor.

Alec and Ivan have been spending time with Yelena and Irina, helping them heal from the trauma they have experienced.

Carlos and Marcus have continued to let us stay at their place, them too trying to help us.

The rest of us have been focused on trying to track down Viktor as well, nothing has come up. It's like he disappeared off the face of the earth.

In the month that has passed, we haven't found anything, we're all growing angry and frustrated not being able to come up with anything. We don't know if he's just hiding or if he's planning something, we just don't know anything.

Birthdays have gone with no celebrations as we would normally do, no one in the mood for any sort of party or celebration. School is long forgotten for our younger siblings, not that I think they care the exception being Giovanni who still wants to graduate.

All our lives have been turned upside down since this all started, with no sense of normalcy. Our family has stayed in America and hasn't gone back to Italy yet, I don't think they want to go back if I'm being honest.

They all seem happier here with us, the only good thing about this whole ordeal is that we have grown closer as a family.

"Do you know of a Fernando?" Val asks as she walks into my room with a tablet in her hand.

"No, why?"

"What about Marisol?" She asks.

My brows furrow in confusion, where is she going with this? I don't know either of these people. She walks deeper into the room and hands me the tablet.

I take a closer look at the tablet and see a video on the screen, I press play and watch it with caution. The video shows an old man and a woman tied up and gagged, they look like they've been through hell. I watch as someone walks into the room, but hasn't come in to view the camera yet.

"Do you know who I am?" The unknown person says with a thick Russian accent.

My head snaps to Val who nods in confirmation, it's Viktor. He finally comes into view of the camera, he walks closer to the two people tied up. He slaps the older woman in the face, the older man beside her tries to lunge at Viktor.

"Say hi to Valentina for me, just look into the camera," Viktor says mocking them.

The video cuts out there, leaving me even more confused. Who are these people and why does he want them to say hi to Val, does she know them? I look to her for an answer, and she looks at me with sadness.

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