46 | One Hell Of A Fight

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Glancing around the ballroom my brows furrow when I don't see my baby sister anywhere, I spot Messiah and Felix near our table but she's nowhere in sight

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Glancing around the ballroom my brows furrow when I don't see my baby sister anywhere, I spot Messiah and Felix near our table but she's nowhere in sight.

Where the fuck is she?

"Luc, have you seen Val?" I nudge him, concern lacing my voice as I glance around the room one more time.

"She was walking over here with Messiah but that was the last time I saw her —" he pulls out his phone and calls someone asking if they've seen her before hanging up and frowning, "the guards at the security office said the last spotted her heading towards the bathroom. That was a while ago, she hasn't come out since."

I shoot up out of my seat worried, "something doesn't feel right," I mutter running a hand through my hair.

Luciano calls Felix and Messiah over, as they walk over the lights inside the ballroom shut off leaving us all in darkness. People are screaming and panicking drawing out their weapons and aiming at nothing.

I pull out my gun from my waist, squinting my eyes looking around aimlessly. I feel someone touch me.

"It's me —" Dad says quickly before bringing out his phone and turning the torch on so we can see properly, "where the fuck is Val?"

The power going out was never part of the plan, this must be Viktor's doing. I leave the table and head towards the bathroom, I see Felix and Messiah up ahead of me having the same idea as me. Pushing past people muttering a small sorry when I shove too hard.

Felix and Messiah halt at the door, walking up behind them, they're trying to open the door but it won't budge. Felix shoots the handle and kicks the door down, the three of us walk in.

Oh my god...

There's blood and bodies everywhere in here, at least six men are on the ground dead. This has to be Val's doing, Felix and Messiah check the stalls for any sign of her but coming up short they walk up to me shaking their heads, worry etched on their faces.

"Fuck —" I grumble under my breath, running a shaky hand through my hair yet again, "let's meet up with the others and we'll get a search out, we have to find her."

We leave the bathroom and head back to our table, when we reach I take notice that the room is semi-empty now.

"We had some guards escort some of our family homes. We've got someone working on the power, did you find anything?" Luc asks.

I don't want to tell him what we found he'd only panic more like I already am on the inside. She still has to be here, they would have seen her leave on the cameras. She has to still be in the building there's no way Viktor took her without us knowing.

"Has anyone seen Marcus?" Nate questions looking around. I raise a brow at him, narrowing my eyes on his hand holding Andrè's.

When did that happen?

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