90 | Apology

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Fucking Rowan King dared to hold a gun to my sister's head whilst she was on a date, he's lucky I don't kill him myself

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Fucking Rowan King dared to hold a gun to my sister's head whilst she was on a date, he's lucky I don't kill him myself. I can't believe he even approached her, I want to do business with them but not if that's how he's going to react when confronted by someone.

I'm praying for the day when Xavier finally takes over, him I can easily deal with. He's nothing like his father, he's more level-headed. He's kind of bond with our family a little which is good. I don't have any issues with Xavier but it's his father who's going to ruin it for them.

Rowan needs to be put in his place and that's exactly what Valentina did, she maybe shouldn't have shot him twice but she got her point across.

"You still want to do business with that asshole?" Vince scoffs.

"Him? No. Xavier? Yes."

"Have you heard anything from Milos?" Nic asks, looking up from his phone.

"Not yet," I mumble, pouring myself some more whiskey.

I'm not sure if that's a good thing at all, I heard that his father is finally out of a coma now. They're most likely planning something unsettling, I know they're going to come after us or worse after Val herself.

I just have this never-ending pit in my stomach that something is going to happen and soon, we've upped our security and have continuously trained our men. Dad had spoken to Valentina this morning about not leaving the house unless one of us and some guards are with her, she refused of course being stubborn.

"I have this feeling something is going to happen," Nic mutters.

Someone knocking on my door grabs my attention, telling the person to come in. One of my men walks in and bows his head before informing us that Xavier King is here, gaining Vince and Nic's attention.

"Let him in and escort him to my office please."

"Yes, boss."

He leaves the office to get Xavier, gulping down the rest of my drink, I pour myself another one. He has some of the biggest balls coming here just after his father held a gun to my baby sister's head, I'll give him props for that.

I know it wasn't him who was holding the gun but it was someone related to him if I know anything in this business of the mafia it's that if someone in your family does something it reflects on the family name. Reputation is everything, family is everything.

"I can't believe he's come to our home after what his father just did, he better not run into Valentina." Nic grits, his grip tightening around his phone.

"At least she'd be able to handle herself with them, we know that now don't we?" Vince sighs.

Just then a knock sounds on the door, telling them to enter. Xavier walks in with confidence, nodding to us three before approaching my desk and taking a seat in front of it.

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