95 | Challenge Accepted

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Nate and Andrè just got back with Carlos and Marcus, they left this morning to pick them up

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Nate and Andrè just got back with Carlos and Marcus, they left this morning to pick them up. Carlos has bought a club here and his opening is tonight and he wants to surprise Val for her birthday so he invited everyone to the opening.

"Where is she?" Nate asks, gazing around the room.

"She's with Xavier getting a tattoo," I grumble, scowling at the floor.

I'm not happy she's getting a tattoo, I might be hypercritical since I have tattoos but she shouldn't be tainting her skin. She's beautiful without tattoos, then again it's her choice I guess.

I think it's more of the fact that she's with that dipshit rather than her getting a tattoo that's pissing me off. After what his father did the other night, it's made me not like him even more. I know it's not his fault but still — he just happens to be related to the asshole.

When I found out what Rowan did, I wanted to hunt the fucker down myself and beat the shit out of him. Even though Val handled it well, it still pissed me off that he dared to even do that.

"I'M BACK BITCHES!" We hear someone shout from the foyer, Valentina walks around the corner entering the living area with a smug look.

Xavier walks around the corner not far behind her looking like death, his face is pale and he looks like he's going to either shit himself or puke. Maybe both.

"Why do you look like shit?" I ask Xavier, who blows out a breath, taking in a deep one.

"He doesn't like my driving skills." Val chuckles.

"Val, you nearly hit that old lady who was crossing the road! You screamed at her to move her wrinkly ass faster than you flipped her off." Xavier says exasperated.

"She didn't die though, I saw her and stopped in time." Val sighs.

"Not the point." He mutters.

Deciding to change the subject I ask her what she got, grinning she stands up and lifts her shirt up turning so her back is facing us. When she lifts her shirt my jaw drops, "no fucking way."


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