75 | Vendetta

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My head is pounding, my eyes flutter open and I'm blinded by a bright light shining in my face

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My head is pounding, my eyes flutter open and I'm blinded by a bright light shining in my face. As my vision adjusts to the brightness I glance around and notice I'm in a brick room somewhere tied up.

I look around my surroundings and take it all in, my plan fucking worked. I knew he'd kidnap me and I knew Gabriel wouldn't be able to resist turning on Alejandro, Viktor is his father after all. I knew he'd help Viktor, but I know he's not doing it for his father, I'm pretty sure he wants me to himself.

Which I can work with, I could play them both against each other, and if I'm lucky one of them will kill the other. Wishful thinking really, but it could be possible.

A door creaking open gains my attention, a man I don't recognize walks in. He takes a seat in front of me, "Eísai xýpnios, chaíromai pou se gnoríso."

(You're awake, I'm so happy to finally meet you)

"Gamiména elliniká, figoúres." I grumble.

(Fucking Greek, figures)

"Eímai entyposiasménos, i proforá sas eínai téleia Valentina." He smiles at me.

(I'm impressed, your pronunciation is perfect Valentina)

"Get to the fucking point asshole." I snap at him growing impatient.

"Fine, Luciano and I have some history and unfortunately for you, you will have to suffer because of him."

"Seriously? So fucking predictable, I knew it would be about some vendetta or some shit. No one would willingly work with a whack job like Viktor without reason."

"Éxypno korítsi, den thélame na ascholithoúme mazí tou, allá ótan sas anéfere den boroúsame na antistathoúme." He says walking behind me.

(Smart girl, we didn't want to get into business with him but when he mentioned you we just couldn't resist)

"Ó, ti állo, dóse mou to kalýtero gamiméno sou." I grumble, he walks past me with something in his hand and stands in front of me.

(Whatever, give me your best fucking shot)

I notice he's now holding a knife in his hand smirking down at me, I look him dead in the eye before my lip tilts up into a sweet smile.

He stabs my thigh, I groan in pain but don't give him the pleasure of hearing me scream. I spit in his face, he stills and wipes his face scowling at me before he drops the knife and punches me in the face again and again.

After a few more hits to the face he backs up, I lift my head and look him dead in the eye again before spitting blood out of my mouth at him. Even more, anger radiates off him in waves, I can feel it from where I'm sitting tied up.

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