62 | My Girl

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We've all met up at the rendezvous point except for two people, Valentina and Andrè making us all worried for them

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We've all met up at the rendezvous point except for two people, Valentina and Andrè making us all worried for them.

My ringtone gains all of our attention, I answer it immediately, "Boss there's been an explosion at the warehouse you told us to keep an eye on," one of my men says causing my breathing to hitch.

I hang up and look at my brothers, cousins, and Val's friends frowning. Valentina better have gotten out of there before the warehouse exploded, she better be here soon or I'm killing a bitch.

My fists tighten making my knuckles go white and I glare at the floor, thinking about her. I can hear people trying to talk to me but it sounds distant, I'm stuck in a haze.

I feel a sting on my left cheek and look up and see that Rome has slapped me, "what the fuck?" I grumble, holding my cheek which is no doubt red now.

"Who was on the phone, Luc? Was it Val? Is she okay?" Rome rambles on.

I have two options here, tell them the truth about the warehouse blowing up, making them worry, or avoid the question to try and keep calm, I'll go with the latter.

"How's Nate doing?" I ask no one in particular, in hopes of changing the subject.

"The doctor managed to remove the bullet and stop the bleeding, they've got him on drugs to help with the pain and shit but he's still unconscious," Hugo sighs.

Messiah, Felix, and Angelo have been with Nate and the doctor, keeping an eye on him. Trying to keep ourselves busy as we all wait for Val, but we haven't heard anything yet till I got the call just before.

"Good, he's still alive that's all that matters right now," I reply.

I'm starting to get nervous now, my palms are sweating as time goes by slowly. I'm trying to keep calm in front of everyone but I think my cousin Antonio notices, 'what's wrong?' He mouths to me, I shake my head and stand up walking out of the room.

"Luciano, who was that on the phone?" Antonio asks worry laced in his tone.

"One of my men informed me there was an explosion at the warehouse," I mutter.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN EXPLOSION?" Dom booms from behind me, making me flinch a little.

I probably should have looked to see who followed me in the kitchen before saying something, I turn around and find everyone standing there staring at me in disbelief.

"Explosion? What explosion?" Felix asks walking in the kitchen with Messiah and Angelo.

Fuck this is all giving me a headache.

"She'll be fine," Salvatore our other cousin whispers.

Everyone in the room breaks out into arguments with each other, blaming themselves or someone else for all this happening. The shouts got louder and louder, we didn't notice the two extra bodies in the room.

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