28 | Truths

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Awkward is an understatement right now, we're all gathered in the dining room, silently eating dinner

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Awkward is an understatement right now, we're all gathered in the dining room, silently eating dinner. The tense atmosphere smothering us, all that can be heard is forks scraping on plates and loud chewing.

I'm baffled by all we learned tonight, I have so many questions for Val, but where do I start? I thought for sure dad or Luc would be speaking up right now, but they're just as quiet as the rest of us.

The sound of someone dropping their fork on their plate catches everyone's attention. Val is sitting there with a smile on her face, "I guess I'll get the party started, I'm sure you all have questions for myself and Nathaniel?"

"Did you know?" I suddenly blurt out, frowning at her, she tilts her head studying me, "know what?" She retorts.

"Who we were before we picked you up from the police station?" I offer.

"Yes, I knew who you were. We both got arrested on purpose I needed to come home. I'll start from the beginning and hopefully, it helps you all understand. Nothing but the truth, I promise." She says gaining everyone's full attention, food abandoned.

"When mum took me away from you all, she did it because she was scared that if we both stayed here that I'd be taken away. When I was old enough to understand she explained to me why we had to leave, she also told me what you do, ya know mafia business —" she mumbles, her eyes pinched shut as a lone tear falls, "I loved you all so much! I was so angry at her for taking me away but when she told me about Viktor and how he was in love with her, I knew she was just trying to keep me safe from him."

Nate's hand reaches out for Val's and he laces their fingers together. If I weren't invested in her story right now I'd be glaring at him.

"She taught me everything I know, different languages, how to fight and defend, how to use weapons. Then one night the Russians attacked and killed mum, I called the cops and they dumped me at this run-down orphanage and that's where I met Nate," she adds, smiling at Nate who squeezes her hand in return.

"We were there for two weeks, I finally came up with a plan to escape, I asked Nate if he was sure he wanted to come with me, he said yes as long as I promised we'd be together always —" she chuckles, her eyes look absent as if stuck in a memory, slowly blinking out of her daze she continues, "we were living on the streets and that's when Carlos found us, he offered us a home and we gladly accepted —"

Dom abruptly cuts her off, "why didn't you come to find us?"

"It simply wasn't time yet, I needed to train more and gain more information on Viktor before I came home. As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, Carlos told us about what he does, and in return, I told him who I was. He then introduced us to his brother Marcus, who as you know asked us if we wanted to work for him and we immediately agreed. That's where most of our training comes from —" she states, "and how Diavola and Wrath came about. They were like father figures to us and we love them like family."

"You were with them just before we got you back weren't you?" Nicolo whispers.

"Yes, but it was time to come home and they understood. One day you'll all meet each other, I'm sure you'd like them —" she insists with a chuckle, "and here we are now sitting at this table."

I'm glad that Carlos found them and took them in, even if they did end up becoming fucking assassins. I can tell that she does love the Garcia brothers as if they were her real family. The smile she had on her lips at the mere mention of their names was a dead giveaway.

I just wish that all this shit didn't have to involve her, she could have been just a regular girl but now she has to deal with a deranged man who obsessed over our mother but now has taken a liking to her.

Plus all this other unnecessary drama of dad having a child and her supposed arranged marriage with Alec. I mean we're still fucking teenagers and we've got all this shit to deal with.

I don't know how she copes.


This entire night is one huge mind fuck

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This entire night is one huge mind fuck. I know I've been dealing with my inner demons but I didn't realize the amount Val had to deal with.

"You've killed people?" I ask, fully knowing the answer but wanting to hear her say it. This whole time I was worried she'd judge us based on what we've done, when in fact this whole time she's just as guilty as us.

Her gaze snaps to me, she looks into my eyes and I see her face soften, "Gio, I never killed anyone innocent, only those who deserved it and were bad people." I nod my head, looking down at my plate.

Dad sighs rubbing his hand down his face, "I met Nadia at a bar, I was neck-deep in paperwork and the search for Val kept coming up short. I thought I'd take a break and go out get some fresh air."

Oh right.. the one-night stand.

"We talked, got to know each other and the drinks kept flowing. Next thing I know I end up at her hotel room and you know —" he coughs, "one thing leads to another, anyway I never saw again after that. I never loved her, I was just drunk and stupid."

Val lets out a loud obnoxious snort, "no shit," she mutters. Dad's jaw tenses and his fists clench, not loving her snarky comment.

"She then contact me a year ago telling me I had this 4-year-old son named Levi, I contacted her asking her for proof. She sent photos and we ended up doing a DNA test and he was a match to me. I'd send her money to help her out with Levi but that was it, she was keeping me updated with his life but that's as far as it went," he reveals.

"Well, I've got news for you dad, once we find him you are going to fight for custody. He should be here with us, I mean look at our situation now," Val says in a deadly tone, glaring at dad.

Great another sibling we have to worry about, it isn't bad enough we have Val here and Nate comes along too. Now we'll have a five-year-old running around the house.

We're one fucked up family, that's for sure.

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