47 | That Was Fun

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We all managed to escape following the blueprints that Val provided us with, we're now waiting at a hideout with Santiago and Rafael, close friends of ours who we met a couple of years ago

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We all managed to escape following the blueprints that Val provided us with, we're now waiting at a hideout with Santiago and Rafael, close friends of ours who we met a couple of years ago.

Everyone seems to be on edge at the moment since we haven't heard from her, everyone protested leaving when we escaped but it fell on deaf ears when Santiago and Rafael pushed us all into the vehicles.

"Has anyone seen Alec or Ivan?" Andrè questions looking around at everyone waiting for an answer, "I saw my dad leave with Em before everything turned into a war."

Now that I think about it I didn't even see them at the ball, the whole time we were there they never showed up. They've probably gone into hiding because Val warned them.

A knock sounds at the door and everyone in the room freezes, Santiago walks over to it opening it revealing Valentina, Alec and Ivan covered in blood, cuts, and bruises and a woman is being carried by Ivan.

"Mom?" Andrè whispers walking up to them.

Mom? The fuck.

Valentina walks in avoiding eye contact with everyone running up the stairs, I follow her and she reaches a door knocking on it.

Marcus opens it and moves to the side letting us in sadness all over his face, I walk in, and what I see breaks my heart into a fucking million pieces.

Carlos is laying there unconscious hooked up to a monitor and a drip, his face is bruised and swollen, I can see cuts and burns littering his skin.

Valentina approaches him and grabs his hand lifting it to her mouth and kissing his knuckles, "Carlos.." she whispers, tears falling from her eyes.


I wake up with a pounding headache, I slowly blink my eyes look around, and see that I'm tied up in the back of a van and dad is beside me tied up as well

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I wake up with a pounding headache, I slowly blink my eyes look around, and see that I'm tied up in the back of a van and dad is beside me tied up as well.

How'd we get here? Where are we?

"U nas yest' oni oba, chto vy khotite, chtoby my s nimi sdelali?" A man says from outside the van, he must be on the phone with someone.

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