89 | Disaster

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After deciding what I want, the waitress approaches us and starts to take our orders starting with Nate

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After deciding what I want, the waitress approaches us and starts to take our orders starting with Nate. She gets around the table till it's my turn but she ignores me and leaves our table, not even sparing me a glance.

Rude fucking bitch — I swear I'm gonna —

"What the fuck?" Nate mutters, a look of disbelief etched on his face, "I'll go grab her to take your order, Val." He stands up and heads in the direction the waitress went.

Mez's hand rests on my thigh and he squeezes a little, trying to reassure me since he knows I'm not in the mood right now.

Sensing the tension at our table Andrè decides to break it, "I've been thinking about asking Nate to be my boyfriend, we sort of are together but it isn't official, ya know."

"That's a great idea, I know he likes you a lot. He cares about you and there are not many people he cares about, what's your plan?" I question.

"I'm not sure, maybe you could help me?" He nervously mutters, this must be a big deal for him.

Just then Nate walks back to our table with an embarrassed waitress following behind him, "I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there. What would you like?"

I give her my order and she writes it down, nodding she leaves our table — again. In a much better mood now that I'll be stuffing my face soon, I start to relax.

We sit around the table laughing and joking around, even Mez is laughing with us. He's still signing but Nate and I translate for Andrè who needs to learn sign language.

A different waitress comes out with our food and hands out our plates. We all start to dig in, enjoying our meals in bliss. In the corner of my eye, I see a figure standing beside me. I glance up and see a man looking down at me, with a weird look.

"Valentina Rossi?" He asks.

"Who wants to know?" I retort, twirling my spaghetti around my fork.

"You may have heard of me, I'm Rowan King. We haven't met —" not being in the mood to talk with this idiot I cut him off, "yeah we're kind of eating here, do you mind?" I ask, glancing up at him and he looks baffled by my blunt rudeness.

"Do you know who you're speaking to?" He sneers at me, his jaw clenched. If he clenches any harder his jaw will break, which I'm secretly hoping for.

"I do nor do I care right now, you're interrupting our double date."

I feel a cold barrel against my temple, my fork full of pasta stopping midway to my mouth. I feel Mez beside me tense up but before he stands up, I grip his thigh keeping him in place.

Andrè and Nate are glaring daggers at Rowan, noticing the encounter everyone in the restaurant halts in conversations and stare at our table.

Dropping my fork in my bowl, I grab a napkin and wipe my mouth, "what is it you want Mr. King?"

"Right now? Respect for starters, no one ever talks to me like that or cuts me off." He seethes.

"Father! Please, not here." Xavier shows up out of nowhere and stands beside his dad, pleading with his eyes.

"I don't know you so why should I respect you? You haven't earned it Mr. King, if I was you I'd listen to your son who seems to be the only one between you who has a brain at this point." I scoff, rolling my eyes.

"I'm sorry Valentina, I didn't know he was going to come over here," Xavier says apologetically.

Standing up from my chair, the barrel following my movements. I quickly pivot and grab the gun out of Rowan's hand and point it at him, "now if you don't mind, fucking leave before you'll be leaving in an ambulance." I spit, Rowan's eyes widen and his men surround us pulling out their guns aiming them at me and our table.

"Who owns this restaurant?" I ask no one in particular, no one answers me though. My gaze drifts to Xavier who gulps, "my father does, why?"

Glancing around at Rowan's men, my eyes shift back to Rowan smirking, "I warned you."

I spin around and shoot the six men who were surrounding my table aiming guns at my family before I shoot Rowan in both legs, making sure not to hit anything important. He drops to the ground, screaming like a bitch — and he's meant to be the boss of the American Mafia? What a joke.

People in the restaurant scream and run for the doors. Kneeling, I hook my finger under his chin to lift his head so he's looking at me, "because of you, this happened —" I whisper, gesturing to his dead men laying on the ground, "I hope we can meet again Rowan but under better circumstances of course." I smile at him and he glares at me.

Standing back up to my full height, I hand Xavier the gun, "I'll see you around Xav." I nervously wave and chuckle before I grab Mez and the four of us bolt out of the restaurant to our car.

We all pile in with Mez driving and me riding shotgun, "what a fucking disaster that date was." I grumble under my breath, resting my head on the backrest closing my eyes.

"That was fucking amazing Val! Holy shit, did you see his face? You didn't even fear him, you know who he is right?" Andrè rambles.

"I do know who he is, he's an asshole who ruined our date. I don't fear men like him, I've dealt with a lot worse."

"Are you okay though love? He could have killed you." Nate says, leaning over the center console to look me over-worried.

"I'm fine sweet cheeks, I knew what I was doing." He nods and sits back in his seat, both he and Andrè start talking in hushed whispers.

Feeling a hand on my thigh, I glance down and see Mez's hand rubbing soothing circles making me relax a little. He flips his hand over for me to place mine in his and I do, he laces our fingers together and brings my hand to his lips kissing it.

He winks at me before his eyes shift back to the road, still holding my hand and his other hand gripping the steering wheel.

He looks so fucking sexy right now — If I wasn't on my period I'd let him rail me — over and over again

He looks so fucking sexy right now — If I wasn't on my period I'd let him rail me — over and over again

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