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Andrè has been an absolute mess ever since he found out about his mother being alive and betraying them

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Andrè has been an absolute mess ever since he found out about his mother being alive and betraying them. I've been with him since Val told me to take Luis and Andrè home, both of them have been quiet and distant.

Emèlia has noticed and has questioned us but we haven't told her anything, Valentina was right it would break her.

I don't know what this is between us but I have come to care about him a lot, I'm just scared to develop strong feelings for him in case he doesn't feel the same and this is just fun for him.

We haven't done anything more than make out and I'm not sure if I'm ready to take it a step further with him. All I know is now is not the time anyway, all I can do is be here for him and help him through this.

"I know she was delusional about her relationship with Viktor but she was still a good person," Drè whispers as I continue to play with his hair.

We've been in his room all day just laying in bed talking or watching movies, the only time I leave is to get him something to eat. If I wasn't here with him he wouldn't be eating and probably would be in a state of guilt and self-pity.

I don't know what it's like to have a parent's love but I do understand what it's like to have a parent or in my case parents betray me.

"I believe she was a good person from the stories you've told me, I do —" I kiss his forehead, "some people just don't see what they have in front of them, she had a loving family but wanted more. Viktor got inside her head, it was all a game to him, it always will be."

I pull him closer to me as he rests his head on my chest, I can feel his tears soaking my shirt.

"If Valentina finds Viktor, I want to be the one to kill him." He chokes out.

"I don't know about the killing part but I know Val will let you have your time with him, same for all the others he has hurt," I assure him.

My phone ringing interrupts our conversation, I pull it out of my pocket and look at the caller ID, "I have to take this, I'll be back Drè okay?" I tell him, he nods wiping his face and removing himself from me.

I quietly exit his room and answer the phone,

Italics ↠ Nathaniel | Bold ↠ Valentina

Hello Love, I greet on the phone trying to speak low so no one can hear what I'm saying.

Sweet Cheeks, I miss you. How is he?

I miss you too love, he's not okay but who would be in this situation? I'm trying to be there for him.

I know, take as much time as you need. You're all welcome to come back to my hideout if you like, if they choose not to that's fine too, she sighs.

I would love to come home, I'll talk to them and see what they say.

Okay sweet cheeks, text me and let me know. I love you.

I love you too Val, stay safe, please! I whisper into the phone.

I will, she whispers before hanging up the phone. I walk back into Andrè's room and he's still laying in bed when he sees me he smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes.

"Everything okay?" He asks concern laced in his tone.



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"Yeah. It was Valentina, she said we can go back whenever we're ready." He replies.

I can tell Nate wants to go back to his family, I'm holding him back here. Do I want to go there? Not really, how can I face Valentina when she's the one who killed my mum? I know it isn't her fault but the thought is still there.

Dad would probably tell me to man the fuck up about this entire situation and that I'm being stupid. I haven't seen him since we left her hideout after making the decision.

He's been throwing himself into more work since then, I know he's suffering on the inside. He won't show weakness to anyone though, he always said weaknesses are what get you killed.

I get it, my mother was a bad person I do. It's just I still have the beautiful memories of her being our mother and loving us unconditionally. I just don't understand what changed.

"You want to go back home, don't you?" I ask him.

"I do, besides I think it'll be good for you. You'll have all your friends there to help you as well, so you'll have a lot of support," Nate replies.

He's right, all my friends are there, they're like family to me. They have always been like a family to us, ever since we could understand each other and what we were going through when each family lost people they love deeply.

"Okay, I'll go back with you. My father won't come through as he's too busy trying to help Val track Viktor down," I murmur.

"Okay —" he smiles at me, "I'll let her know, while I do that why don't you pack a bag or two?"

"Okay," I say getting up from the bed and making a move to my closet to pack.

I don't know what Nate and I are, but I'm glad I have him right now. He's been amazing, always making sure I'm okay.

I do know that I like him, I'm just scared since my last relationship with my ex-girlfriend didn't work out, and what she did hurt me. I just don't want to be hurt again.

Besides now is not the time to get into a relationship I suppose, with what's going on and all. I think I'll just take everything day by day with hun and see how it plays out.

Like I said I'm just glad he's here with me, even if nothing develops between us. I'll forever be grateful to know I have another friend who cares about me.

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