73 | Gabriel

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We are meant to be finalizing our plan today for tomorrow night's exchange, I haven't contacted Viktor yet but deep down I already know he knows what I'm planning

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We are meant to be finalizing our plan today for tomorrow night's exchange, I haven't contacted Viktor yet but deep down I already know he knows what I'm planning. I'm so sick of this cat and mouse game, I just want it to end.

Messiah was a sweetheart and bought me upstairs and cleaned up my hands, gentle as always. He didn't say anything though which kind of had me worried, I hope I haven't fucked things between us because of that dickhead downstairs.

Gabe just knows how to rub me the wrong way, none of them know who I am, they've heard rumors about Diavola but have never had any dealings with me as Diavola.

I had met Gabe first at a club, it was after I had completed my mission and decided to go out for celebratory drinks with Nate. I had introduced myself as Valentina and stuck to it, no way was I going to tell someone I didn't know I was Diavola.

Gabe and I began hanging out more and more while I was staying in Spain waiting for Marcus to contact Nate and me, in regards to returning home.

As Gabe and I grew closer, he introduced me to Alejandro and Diego as his family. They later explained he wasn't related to them but treated him as if he were, which I never questioned nor cared about.

Therefore I became close with Alejandro and Diego also, they told me about their 'family business and I didn't even blink. They were confused with my reaction at first but learned I'm a girl who just doesn't give a fuck.

Considering I knew my biological family was in the same business anyway, who was I to judge?

Alejandro had pulled me into his office one day and had asked me for a favor, he wanted me to go undercover for them as a girl looking for a good time to reel in a guy who they wanted dead for being a traitor.

I didn't agree straight away, I had to do my research about all these people and about the guy I was supposed to lure into a honey trap. Finding out what I needed to know I agreed and helped them, but I didn't stick around and disappeared out of thin air.

Before I disappeared though and before the job I did for Alejandro, Gabe would always try to ask personal questions about me and try to fish information out of me, I grew skeptical about him and did some digging.

All I knew was, he was always sketchy when I talked about his relationship with the Gonzàlez family changing the subject all the time. I use to bring up his biological family as well and he'd always skip over the topic, especially when I'd bring up his dad who supposedly died.

I understood, it was a sore topic but surely he would have opened up to me. When I was doing some digging a few things didn't add up, so I had to dig even deeper and what I found fucked me up.

I never confronted him about it and I wasn't going to, I knew he was shady when he kept asking me questions all the time. I didn't want to believe it was true, but I knew it was with all the shit I found.

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