20 | You Surprise Me

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School was uneventful today rumors are going around I nearly killed that girl yesterday, I think someone said her name was Melanie

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School was uneventful today rumors are going around I nearly killed that girl yesterday, I think someone said her name was Melanie.

Should send the bitch some flowers.

Alec and Andrè avoided me all day, I don't blame them I think I've fucked with them too much. They're both attractive guys, I'd slip into their bed. I'm not a relationship type of person, doesn't mean casual sex is out of the question, as long as feelings don't get involved.

"Val!" a small voice screeches, I turn around from the kitchen counter to see Emèlia, Andrè, and Alec standing in the doorway.

Em and I are getting closer, she spent most of the day with Nate and me, she said she was sick of hanging around the boys all the time since all they did was talk about girls.

She talked about how she wants to move back to Paris because she wants to be a high-end fashion designer. Although I think she should be a model, she is an absolute beauty, I'd turn lesbian for her in a heartbeat.

"Em! What are you guys doing here?" My gaze flits over the three of them, they all give me a sheepish smile.

"We're here to see your fight of course —" Em squeals, "your brothers told Drè and Alec about it at lunch."

Of course, my brothers told them about it, I overheard Rome making bets with them after school in the car park before coming home. Apparently everyone except Nate is betting against me, a bit disheartening but I get it, I'm going up against a man with a deadly aura.

Though I'm a cocky bitch, I know what Mez can do, there is no way I'm going to underestimate him.

"Right, I think I heard you three are betting against me —" smirking, I wave my hand dismissing them, "see you all in the gym, you're about to lose your money."

They all gape at me before making their way towards the gym. I finish up my bowl of soup, place the dish in the sink, and head to my room.

Quickly changing into my gym clothes, I snatch my phone off my bed and grab my AirPods and place them in my ears.

Walking through the gym doors I see everyone sitting around conversing with one another. All my brothers, Nate, Em, Drè, and Alec are in a group looking at a notebook in Rome's hands, I'm guessing that's where the bets are written.

On the other side of the room, dad is talking to some of the guards off duty, and to the left of them, Messiah and Felix are standing together, Felix doing all the talking while Messiah listens intently.

Heading over to the mat I grab my phone and pick a song, War pigs by Black Sabbath (Remix).

A/N — the song is above if you want to play it during the fight scene.

I start stretching and warming up, once completed I sit on an empty bench where I wrap up my hands. Standing up I swiftly move towards the ring where everyone has gathered around.

Getting in I look around and notice that Messiah is already there waiting for me, void of any emotion, just staring blankly at me.

Felix is beside him looking at me worried, I send him a wink and he smiles at me but it's more of a grimace. 

Diverting my attention back to Mez he glances at Felix and starts signing, 'ask her if she's going to take out her AirPods.'

So he does communicate by sign language. Interesting, my theory was correct.

Felix turns to me but I hold up my hand stopping him, I look Mez in the eye and start signing, 'the music stays. Are you ready to get your ass handed to you?'

I watch in amusement as his and Felix's eyes go wide, and Mez lets out a loud laugh, clutching his stomach, 'you surprise me every day,' he signs.

Winking I sign, 'I always have surprises up my sleeves Mez, should we begin?'

He smiles and nods, he readies himself in his stance. Felix leaves the ring and I adjust myself in my stance as well. We start to circle each other observing to find any weaknesses.

As we move around I notice he favors his right leg more than his left, must have had an injury in his left leg.

I keep my eyes focused on his though not making it obvious I've spotted it. I wait for him to make the first move. He steps forward making his move, he goes for a hit to my face with his left fist before quickly dropping it, it's too late I don't see his right fist swinging towards my rib.

I blow out a harsh breath, winded, fucker hits hard I wonder if he fucks hard too? Not the fucking time Val. He advances quickly again and sends a roundhouse kick to my chest, I fall flat on my back clutching my chest.

I get up on my feet quickly and get in a defensive position, I want to see what else he's got for me. He's not going easy on me which I'm grateful for.

Advancing towards me again, he starts throwing big and hard hits but I block them. I feel his hits getting a bit weaker, as he's starting to tire out. When he slows a little I use this opportunity to sneak in a punch to his nose, I watch as blood trickles down and I smirk.

He steps back and assesses me again, his breathing a bit heavy now, his movements becoming sluggish. I advance towards him and go for a right jab but not before faking and using my left to uppercut him in the jaw. He stumbles back, surprise displayed on his face.

I don't give him time to recover from shock as I step forward and continue to throw punches at his torso, not hitting hard I keep a steady rhythm to tire him out more. I then switch it up swinging around and elbowing him in his jaw.

I straighten back up and run at him again, but instead I slide under his legs and get behind him and kick the back of his left leg.

His leg gives out and he falls to the ground, holding his leg. I slowly approach him so I'm face to face with him. He tilts his head up so he's looking at me, his face covered in blood from the broken nose, I blow him a kiss before sending a hard jab to the face.

Knocked him the fuck out.

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