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"Hunter that's mine" I hear my beautiful daughter whine from the other room.

"but I wanna use it" my son replies, I walk into the room to see them fighting over..boxing gloves?

"and who on earth gave you these?" I ask snatching them away, I watch them guilty look at each other before Hunter did what I knew he was going to do.

"Lilly got them from Harper mommy I promise they're not mine" yes, my son is a little snitch, and I love it.

"Hunter why are you always such a tattletale" Lilly whines crossing her arms over her chest.

"I swear you're the worst little brother ever, why can't you be cool" she starts to cry before huffing out of the room with tears running down her face, she was an angry crier, like her mother.

It was only a year after we had our oldest Lilly that I got pregnant again with our son Hunter. Lilly was a spitting image of me, except she had her father's emerald green eyes, Hunter, on the other hand, looks like none of us, he has red hair and blue eyes, how did me and Xander, both with dark hair birth a red-haired baby, no clue.

"Lilly is always so mean to me" I turn and look at my now five-year-old, he's getting so big.

"Lilly is also a girl son, she's just naturally crazy, and she's your mother's kid so that'll do it too" Xander cuts in before I get the chance to speak, I give him an accusing glare he holds his hands up in mock surrender, he's leaning in the doorway with his button-up shirt and jeans, he's sporting one attractive five o'clock shadow I'll tell you that.

"Hunter don't listen to your father he's a pri- ince, yeah he thinks he's a prince, so don't listen to him he's snobby" I say waving off my almost swear slip up, it obviously was a terrible cover-up though.

"Mommy, daddy is literally a King" my song says sarcastically and I wave him off, he runs off laughing at his, oh so funny joke.

"Harper called, she told me to tell you that she found a leech as long as her arm" he laughs when I grimace. Harper was currently in the Amazon with Sophia on their honey-moon, why the Amazon, no clue, but it's Harper so you just don't ask questions. 

My mom and dad moved out of the pack house, said it was time for them to 'fully retire' and so they bought their own house down in Georgia, mom complained about the smell for a while but she got used to it.

"Where's Kris?" I ask, I wanted to talk to Xander about something in private so I was going to ask Kris to watch the little ones.

"Probably slowly killing Chase with her complaints" he laughed and I slapped his arm, Kris is currently eight months pregnant with a baby boy and looks like she's going to pop, she's been bother Chase the entire time, throwing stuff at him one minute, loving him the next, then thinking he thinks she's fat...she's all over the place.

"Oh well can I talk to you in private?" I ask and he looks concerned before leading me to our room.

"what's wrong?" he asks almost instantly.

"I just thought you know, Hunter's five, and they're growing up so fast" 

"yeah he is, isn't he" he smiles fondly and I join him.

"I want another baby" I pout and his eyes go wide

"really?" he asks and I bite my lip nervously, I knew this was a bad idea, I nod my head.

"well then" he smirks

"let's get started"

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