Chapter twenty-four

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"What?" I asked dumbfounded 

"A coma, Xander it wasn't an accident, someone tried to kill her" I stared at her, tears pricked my eyes and my mouth suddenly felt extremely dry.

"how do you know?" I asked

"Because whatever caused that slash on her side was covered in poison" she choked out 

"oh god, Iris no" I cried as I collapsed on the couch, Kris came over and hugged me as she cried on my shoulder.

"they already finished the surgery" Kris said and I looked up at her

"and?" I asked hopefully

"They were able to clear her body of the poison, there isn't a single trace of it in her blood stream anymore which is good, but they said she lost so much blood that it caused her body to go into shock, which is why she's in a coma" she said and I raked my fingers through my hair.

"Do they know when she'll wake up?" I asked as I paced the floor

"no, they said it could be days, weeks, even months before she wakes up"

"I can't go that long without her" my voice cracked as I felt the tears prick my eyes

"Maybe we should call Harper and them, letting them know what's going on" she said and I just then realized that they were still looking for her, they didn't know what was happening since I have yet to tell them.

"yeah okay, is it okay if they come here? I promise they won't hurt any of you" I said as I looked around at the people in the room, there was a lot of people, is this a pack?

"That's fine, but our warriors are obligated to search them before they enter the house, just for safety measures." she said and I nodded understandingly, of course they'd want to search them it only makes sense since of the work we do...

I picked up my phone and dialed the group chat, I waited til everyone picked up the call and gave their hellos before I spoke.

"I found her, and before you say anything I need you guys to come to Iris' house, Harper and the girls know where it is, Iris was hurt badly, she won't wake up" I said and my voice shook at the end of that last sentence.

"oh shit okay, we're on our way" Harper said into the call

"wait, and leave anything that could possibly do harm to someone inside of the cars, they're going to search you guys before you enter the house" I said and a mixture of "okay" and "yup" went throughout the call.


about and half an hour went by before I heard knocking at the front door of the house, I group of stern looking men walked to the door and about ten minutes later they walked into the living room looking at all the people before their eyes fell on me. Harpers shoulders slumped and she walked over to me sitting down on the couch next to me.

"Xander, I don't even know what to say" she said as she rubbed my bare back since I haven't put clothes on yet, also meaning I have yet to wash Iris' blood off of me.

"There's nothing to say" I said as I let my head fall into my hands 

"she's going to be okay, I know it" she says comfortingly

"what makes you so sure" I say looking up at her, just the thought of Iris not making it makes me feel like I'm slowly being choked.

"It's Iris, there's no way she's letting this kill her when she has yet to live her life with you" she said and I smiled at the thought of spending the rest of my life with the love of my life...wait, love of my life? Jesus Xander you don't even know her that well.

She's our mate, of course you love her  I heard the familiar voice of my wolf Zeus and I smiled lightly

Been awhile old friend    I said and I heard him chuckle in the back of my head

Yeah well you never let me out so I ignored you for awhile he said and I laughed inwardly and focused back to real life 

"Yeah, I hope so" I said back, the doctor then walked back out into the living room and I shot up which made everyone else notice the doctor had entered the room.

"Good morning everyone, I just wanted to say that the future Lunas vital signs are good, her heart rate and breathing are both stable, her injury had been treated and stitched and her mate is aloud to come and see her now." he said and before I could even register exactly what he said I was off and in her hospital room.

Her body was pale, and not her usual snow white pale, but sickly. Her body was cold to the touch and all I wanted to do was hop in bed next to her and warm her up, her parents were sitting in the corner of the room, her mom teary eyed and dad stone faced, you could tell he was trying to seem unfazed by it, but deep down I knew it was killing him to see his daughter like that, hell if it was my daughter I'd be a mess.

"You must be the Xander I've heard so much about" Her said said and I put my focus on him instead of my out cold mate.

"yes sir, that would be me" I said extending my hand out to shake his.

"please call me Will, This is my wife Elvira, I'm sorry we couldn't have met under better circumstances" He said and I gulped.

"I'm sorry as well" I say turning back to face my mate, I pulled a chair up to the edge of her bed

"so Xander, what are you?" Will asked me and I was confused at first

"what do you mean?" I asked

"well, I saw your eyes glow when you threatened Jasper, but you hunt, so what are you exactly" he asked although it came out more of a statement.

"It's kind of hard to explain I guess, I'm half werewolf, but I hunt them since my dad forces me to, I can't do anything about it" I said genuinely and he nodded

"You're friends, what about them" he said

"Harper is my sister and she's the only one who's a half breed like me, the rest are fully human but are forced into the life style by family" I said and he let out a puff of air in a sign of relief.

"Although I hate the fact that you guys have wolf blood on your hands, It makes me less concerned to know that it's not by choice" he says 

"I know, I get you probably wouldn't understand but my dad makes me live this life, he basically controls my life" I say with a choked out laugh

"I'm that parent with Iris, she is my oldest meaning she will take over my ruling, I have trained her since she was a child for this position, because it is not to be taken lightly considering this will be both of you guys job, you are her mate after all" He said, I knew what a Luna was, same with an Alpha, my mother told me about it when I was younger, and when she was still alive.

"I'm her mate, meaning..." I trailed off as I started to understand what he was saying

"meaning you will rule by her side"



*not edited*

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