'What Are You Doing Here' (Chapter 5)

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[Edited] This is continuing onto the last chapter. I didn't want to make it too long. NO SPOILER ALERTS.

"(Y/N)-Chin, do you want to learn how to drive a motorcycle?" Asks Mikey. He looks at her hopefully.

"Uhm, I don't know about that." Replies (Y/N).

She glares down at the bike, hesitant to get on. What if she falls again? She internally cringes, thinking back to that moment. Possibly the most embarrassing thing she's done in awhile. She doesn't want to embarrass herself again....

"Here," Draken murmurs, holding out his hand. She takes it, her eyes not meeting his, and settles herself on the bike. Even with his hand to support her, she still feared upsetting the bike.

He starts up the bike and they slowly drive away.

"Maybe Draken can teach you sometime." Suggests Mikey with a smile. (Y/N) glances at Draken to find his eyes are stuck to the road. Would he want to do that?

"No, that's alright. And anyways, he wouldn't even want to do that." Says (Y/N). She loosens her arms which have become a bit tight around Draken.

"I don't mind." Says Draken over his shoulder. (Y/N) doesn't say anything to that. Her eyes wander to the places around her. It's not too late yet, though Draken and Mikey are going to drop her off at Takemichi's house soon. Mikey said he would talk to Takemichi if (Y/N) wanted, but she refused, saying she wants Takemichi to forgive her on his own.

As they drive (Y/N) quite enjoys the scenery. Her arms tighten a little around Draken as they hit a bump.

"This is Takemitchy's house, right?" Asks Mikey as he and Draken park their bikes.

"Yeah" replies (Y/N). She gulps loudly, her newfound fear of bikes showing again.

"Go on, you aren't going to fall." Draken says. She tries to will herself to move, but it's no use. The thought of falling off of the bike again envelops her mind. Draken sighs, holding out his arm for her.

It's embarrassing that she needs help getting off of a stupid bike, but right now she needs his help. Awkwardly, she grabs his arm and slowly lowers herself off of the bike.

"See? Not bad at all." Draken says. She nods slowly dropping his arm. Draken glances at her out of the corner of his eye before revving his motorcycle.

"Bye bye!" Calls Mikey. Draken throws a quick wave, which (Y/N) returns before knocking on Takemichi's door. She can feel Draken and Mikey watching her while she waits for Takemichi to open the door and she wishes he would hurry, though she thinks it's nice that they wait for her to get inside before leaving.

She knocks again, a little harder this time. "Oi, Takemichi-Kun, open up!" After a few seconds she hears him shuffle down the stairs and open the door. He stares at (Y/N) with a scowl before closing the door again. She can hear it lock on the other side. "Takemichi open this door right now or I'll-"

"What?" Asks Takemichi as he opens the door. "Why can't we move the study thing to tomorrow?" His whining reminds (Y/N) of a child not getting their way which, to be fair, is what he is. He glances over (Y/N)'s shoulder at Draken and Mikey with a curious look. "Why are they here?"

"They dropped me off. Now let me inside!" Shouts (Y/N) as she tries to shove through Takemichi. He clings onto the sides of the door in a desperate attempt to keep (Y/N) out.

"Go home!"

"Let me in!" Shouts (Y/N) again as she bonks his head hard with her hand.

"Ow! Go away!" After (Y/N) began beating Takemichi repeatedly over the head, he finally cowers away from the door with his hands wrapped around his head. As she shuts the door, (Y/N) notices Draken and Mikey laughing. She begins to feel a little embarrassed.

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